Chapter 1

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Harry had thought that his days of pining were over. He was in his twenties and mooning over someone as if he was 14 again. And the worst part? This someone hasn't set foot in England since right after his 18th birthday.

Travel was one word that had never been in Harry's vocabulary, but days like these he was wishing it was. His skin still felt refreshed from his recent trip to France, that had ended all too soon in his opinion. He still remembered his first assignment that had him taking an international portkey to the country. It was the first time Harry had ventured out of England, he never counted Hogwarts as he was confined to the castle, and he was determined to enjoy it, even if he was working.

While it was a work trip, Harry still went and created an itinerary for himself. He researched the country for days, and created a very specific schedule of things that he wanted to see and experience, including a pastry baking class.

Travel isn't often made time for when your Auror training was expedited to put you on track to becoming the youngest Head Auror in history, so Harry kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to seem too eager for the job lest they get suspicious. His travel plans were mentioned to no one, and he happily exhaled once he safely reached his destination.

The sun on his face felt amazing, and he tilted his head up to relish in the feeling. That's where the trouble started. He had been in France for all of five minutes when he bumped into someone, causing them to drop their packages.

"I'm so sorry, let me help."

"It's not your fault, it's quite beautiful out. I too was distracted by the sky."

"I hope nothing's broken," Harry said worriedly, extending a hand to help the other man up.

That simple gesture was the catalyst of Harry's life being completely uprooted. He didn't really know happiness, until it was Draco Malfoy who took his hand, squinting at his face in the sunlight. Draco Malfoy, who time had been extremely kind to in the two years that Harry hadn't seen him.

He held his breath, hoping Draco wouldn't recognize him, relaxing when Draco seemed more worried about the contents of his bag than the stranger across from him.

"No, everything is properly accounted for, thank you. Is it your first time here? You-"

Harry's heart dropped, he knew that look on Draco's face, saw how his body language changed, how his body stiffened and his expression became guarded.

"Don't," Harry replied quietly, grabbing his own belongings.

"Is that really you?," Draco questioned, taking a step forward unwillingly. "I almost didn't recognize you, which is fairly impressive considering I stared at you every single day for what, seven years straight?"

"If you want to talk, can we do it elsewhere please? You can walk me to my work accommodations?," Harry emphasized, giving Draco a meaningful look. "I've never really left England before, I don't want to lose my way."

"Where are you staying?"

Harry handed Draco the piece of paper, his itinerary falling out of his pocket as well, quickly being picked up by Draco.

"This is by my flat, I know where it is. Come along P- What do you I call you?," Draco asked quietly.

"Evan. Black. I don't care much one way or the other. Keeping up with me are you?"

"Your tales of greatness are set to haunt me for the rest of my life I'm afraid. Pansy takes great delight in sending me anything with your face on it."

"You probably have Potter boxers out the arse," Harry muttered, his hand covering his mouth. "My most sincere apologies."

"One of my birthday gifts, every year, without fail. I didn't think they could legally even do that."

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