Chapter 3

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The best part of Harry's day was always getting a letter from Draco. No matter how bad the day was, he knew for certain that he would at least get one letter, and that was enough to keep him going. If Harry was really creative with hiding his items, he could expect a firecall from Draco, demanding that Harry find whatever had been lost immediately.

"Dear Draco,

What's life without a little adventure? In terms of your missing things, I would never incriminate myself like that. Maybe we're more alike than you think?

Maybe I just like cooking for you, did you ever consider that? I'm well-aware that you can take care of yourself, I don't doubt that. I can't imagine how much I'm saving you on takeout. If it really bothers you so much, I'll be sure to buy less and make more frequent shopping trips. I'd really like it if you'd let me continue though. It makes me feel better knowing that you have something readily available to eat when you're working so hard that you lose track of time.

I'll do my best to stay out of trouble. I have to live long enough to see you again. Ironic how you're one of the only things to make me hesitate when I run into danger. You'd be pleased that I now hear your voice yelling at me in my own head. A whole country away, yet when I close my eyes it's like you're right next to me.

Good luck with your upcoming clinical trials. I know your work is going to pay off, I believe in you!



Folding up the letter and addressing the envelope, Harry was just about to seal it when there was a series of rapid knocks on his door.

"Come in."

"Auror Potter, we've made a major breakthrough on the case. Grab your go bag, we're leaving in five. It's a covert operation, no outside communication. Time frame is unknown. Meet in the foyer."

"Understood Auror Smith. I'll be ready."

Harry quickly grabbed his go bag, double checking its contents. Biting his lip, he did something incredibly foolish, that very well could have cost him his job.


I'm going away for a while. I shouldn't be saying this but I don't want you to worry about the lack of letters. I'll be in touch as soon as it's safe to do so. I picked this up not too long ago and I was waiting for the best time to send it. I think that's now.

Please, continue to write if you can. I'll be in touch as soon as possible. Don't forget about me, yeah? I'll do my best not to do something (else) stupid.

Still yours no matter where I am,


Without another thought, Harry tucked the second letter into the box, sealed and charmed it, then sent it off with his owl. Racing down the corridor, he had made it just in time.

"Is everything alright Auror Potter?"

"Confirmed the contents of my go bag along with my files sir."

"Excellent. You'll be briefed once we land. Let's go."

Draco was in the middle of brewing once he received the letter. It was a time sensitive task, so as curious as he was, the letter had to wait an hour. He had just enough time to let the owl in, give it a treat, and wash his hands before the lack of attention to his potion was detrimental.

Once he had successfully set the potion to cool, he grabbed the letter, just noticing there was also a package with it. His birthday wasn't for a few weeks, so he had no idea why there would be a package waiting for him. Opening the letter first, Draco quickly penned a reply.

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