Usual Attire:
     •To put it plainly, the man dresses like a pirate.
     •He likes long coats, one in particular being his favorite, which he is wearing in the previous chapter. Burgundy in color and has existed so long, he's needed to patch it up many times, and the edges are worn and frayed.
     •Any sort of shirt which allows his stomach to be uncovered, so mainly button-ups left undone, since it's less constricting on the large mouth going down his center.
     •Tall boots that go up to the knee, and he loves a good heel on 'em, though he definitely doesn't need to be any taller than he already is. He likes that his height makes him scary to most people.

Abilities:     •Insect Manipulation: being able to summon and control a variety of insects     •That big stomach of his, yeah, essentially that's one big, black hole

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•Insect Manipulation: being able to summon and control a variety of insects
•That big stomach of his, yeah, essentially that's one big, black hole. Whatever goes in probably ain't coming back out. He can, however, summon insects out of it as well as these tongue-like appendages that have a fair amount of reach, much like Phil's shadow hands, so that's fun 😅 and if you were to poke your head in, you'd go crazy and probably scratch your own eyes out.
     •Insanely strong and nearly impossible to injure.

{Don't mind the fact that he has no eyes in these drawings, your author just couldn't stop screwing them up and decided to leave them blank instead 😁}

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{Don't mind the fact that he has no eyes in these drawings, your author just couldn't stop screwing them up and decided to leave them blank instead 😁}

     •Beelzebub is a free spirit who does whatever he likes whenever he wants to do it.
     •Cunning, crazy and intelligent
     •Much like Cain, he is someone who likes to evaluate people and his respect is something to be earned, not just handed out, hence why he was saying all those things about Y/N, even knowing she is Phil's bride. Regardless of how he feels about Mephistopheles, he knows nothing about Y/N and can only go off of how she's presented herself, frightened and anxious. This is not a quality he likes in people; rather, he prefers when they have a "fire" or passion in the way they carry themselves. Confidence is key with him.
•As previously explained in the last chapter, Gluttonous demons are heavy consumers and Beelz is no acceptation. He loves food, smoking, drinking, all of it.

{This is my favorite picture of him, by the way

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{This is my favorite picture of him, by the way.}

Bonus Information:
•He is very skilled with a sword and keeps a collection within his room
•He enjoys warm climates very much when visiting the human world. Spends a lot of time in South America specifically.
     •Big music lover who enjoys campy, cabaret, Latin and metal mostly, but is also an enjoyer of several other genres. This love lead to him eventually starting a band that often plays in the Glutton's dining hall as well as other venues.
•There was a point in time he left Hell for a long period to pursue his dream of being a pirate, and in a certain realm, he has gained himself the reputation of a ghost pirate that most believe to be a myth by present day, but he definitely left an impact.

     •I based his design on a few people, the main one being Aurelio Voltaire mixed with a little bit of my own uncle as well as Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

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•I based his design on a few people, the main one being Aurelio Voltaire mixed with a little bit of my own uncle as well as Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

     •I based his design on a few people, the main one being Aurelio Voltaire mixed with a little bit of my own uncle as well as Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

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     •Nick and Beelz, they're good pals. Nick makes him laugh, but he gives Phil a hard time as a sign of affection and because it amuses him when he gets angry. He is not threatened by Phil because he can very confidently beat him in a serious fight, and so, it's laughable to him.

•Aurelio Voltaire

Fun Fact:
     •Come closer. I want to let you in on a little secret.

Come on, closer, closer!


This may not be the only story Beelzebub will be mentioned in. I have a pirate story in the works that may or may not involve him in it 😉
•Another fun fact is that, originally, Beelzebub was going to have slimy skin because another thing I somewhat drew inspiration from during his development was a hagfish. Most qualities I was going to use from that animal got scrapped, however.

Well, that concludes Beelzebub's Demon Profile. I believe this will be the last one for a long while, but I do plan to have just one more down the road, so you can be excited for that. Don't worry, though you'll still see plenty of art scattered throughout the chapters. I have a lot of them stocked up, and I can't wait to share them all with you.

We shall meet again soon, dear readers.

Until next time,

~ Golden ~

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