"Yeah. I guess I have been at it for a while, huh?" Leaning her face towards his right hand, Y/N planted a kiss on the backs of the fingers before tilting her head to look up at the man she is going to marry. They exchanged smiles before she questioned, "Have you had any thoughts on the music?" Mephistopheles hummed and nodded.

"I was going to ask an old... Friend to take care of it. He's a bit of a hassle, but he's good."

"What's with the pause before friend, hmm?"

"Well, crazy uncle would probably be a better way to describe him."

"Didn't know you had an uncle."

"Not technically. We aren't related, but I've been around him for some time." She chuckles.

"I'd like to meet him, then."

"Really, you wouldn't." Phil sighs exasperatedly. "But I do think he's our best option. I was thinking about going to meet with him today to discuss an agreement, actually."

"Could I come with?" Stopping the massage, he hums in uncertainty.

"Could be dangerous."

"You'd be with me, and if he's so dangerous, then it probably isn't a good idea to have him play at all."

"True, but unfortunately, if I don't at least ask, I know he'll never let me live it down." To ease his nerves, Phil wraps his arms around her shoulders, giving his dear sheep a light squeeze. He was silent, thinking, as he leaned his head against his shoulder before finally letting out a decisive hum. "Very well, you can come with, but stay by my side at all times, alright? And if, at any moment, you want to go, tell me, and we will be out of there before you can blink."

"Alright." She agrees, holding onto his arm as he kissed the top of her head before letting go, allowing his sheep to get up and follow him out. "So, tell me about this guy. Why's he so scary?"

"He's a glutton, one of the most dangerous types of demons. Likely, he might look at you as some kind of snack." Y/N gulped and shut her eyes shaking a little as a vision popped up of him drinking blood but calmed herself with a few breaths. Phil responded to this reaction gently and with absolute certainty. "I won't let him touch you. I'll search for some other band if worst comes to worst, so don't fear, my sheep. I'll look after you." Clearing her throat, Y/N clung to his hand to anchor herself. Neither proceeded until she gave a nod to signal that she was well enough. Phil took the opportunity to teach her about the territory they would be going through as they walked with small steps.

"Gluttonous demons, as the name suggests, are consumers. They'll eat just about anything and overindulge in many things without the slightest hint of satisfaction afterwards. We don't really know why these types are built this way. Most don't originally exist as a glutton, they more morf into it from greediness. They usually stick to their own wing in the castle to be who they are freely without disrupting the others living here. It can be dangerous stepping foot there without a guide, but luckily, they aren't mindless animals. The way I see it, they are not much different than most other demons in this world. They've just gone a little off the rails is all. They can quickly become a handful."

"It must feel horrible to want to consume so much without being satisfied." Faintly, he smiled at her worry for the ravenous beings, but it washed away within moments.

"It can't be pleasant. It's what drives them a bit mad. Now, Y/N, I want to warn you in case we happen upon an unsavory sight, I want you to close your eyes and press closer to me. I'll tell you if I catch wind of a foul scent. We might not, but..." Immediately, she felt ill and questioned if coming along with him was really a good idea. She knew what he was implying. These beings probably enjoyed snacking on their servants if they were so insatiable. When her legs gave out, Phil was quick to hold her up, his eyes widening a bit. "We can turn back." Holding a hand over her mouth, she shook her head and forced herself to stand tall.

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