Long Forgotten Roots of a Dying Tree

Start from the beginning

"Might be, but not total immunity. She might just break from them easier than most," Luther answers.

"But this spell isn't the least bit broken. This is something totally unique. I know that some humans house magic, but damn, in this day in age, even gifted ones can only do measly parlor tricks." Sounding quite giddy, Koda broke into a wide grin as he slapped his hands lightly upon my cheeks, squeezing them. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

     "Koda, please," I request, wearing a pleading smile as I tapped at his wrists to urge him to let go.

"You're saying she has an altered bloodline?" As Dakota's hands slipped away, I looked to Phil as he stood up at walked towards me, as if he just had just learned the most shocking thing in the world.

"A what now?" I jumped when an arm slung around my shoulders and a hand patted my head.

"Nothing on a grand scale, that's for sure. Totally useless in terms for a day-to-day in the human world, but here, where beings like us use our abilities all the time, it could come in handy. If I had to guess, your willpower would have to be through the roof to even punch a dent into anything." Peering down at me, Koda beams brightly. "In simple terms, Y/N, humans are normally pretty helpless, resorting to rudimentary force, but there are a few oddities that appeared many, many years ago. They started sprouting up like wildfire, and I got so curious I decided to research all about them! What I discovered were a few cases of interspecies mingling from another plane of existence in your world being the cause."

     "... That was in no way simple to understand. Wha—" I look to the other two for help, and Luther shakes his head at his brother's excited ramblings.

     "Koda is a researcher of magic for all realms, human, heavens, ours and others. What he's saying is that creatures that possess magic and the ability to cast spells started mingling with humans, much like how Mephistopheles and you have decided to pair, having children who posses talents of their own, some stronger than others. It isn't the only reason some humans possess little gifts like this, but it appeared to be the main cause."

     "Yeah, but through the times, magic became so hated that such users had to hide and suppress it. Eventually, it whittled down as more generations passed. It's turned itself into nothing but a fairytale to modern humans. Only few have such powers now, and most will go their whole lifetime without even knowing it, just like you." This was a lot to take in. If I hadn't gone through so much unusual shit already, I might've actually doubted the things they were saying. Could it be true? Did my mom or dad know about this? Of course they wouldn't have told me. I was nothing to them. Maybe they weren't even aware of it themselves? "And, truthfully, knowing this now, your bad luck is really starting to make sense."

     "What do you mean?"

     "You see, there is always a bit of catch when a human has their own set of powers. It's not always so severe, like in your case, but they tend to be a beacon of tragedy, experiencing abandonment, torture, major heartbreak, loss— You name it! My theory is that there are just some forces in this world that don't quite like that humans were breaking the mold. This was their way of keeping them in their place before they could start getting careless. I have plenty journals on the matter if you'd like to borrow them. They're my best sellers." Phil heaves a deep sigh as he covers his face with a hand, soaking up all the information just brought to him. Admittedly, I was a bit drained from it as well. "I should reiterate, that this is just a theory. I can't really know for certain if you are of an evolved bloodline. Luther, you took a blood test on her not too long ago, didn't you? Find anything curious?"

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