•Straight, short hair with somewhat choppy bangs.

Skin Type:

•Kind of a sun-kissed skin tone. So, medium / maybe medium-dark tan.

•Heavily battered and scarred.


•The left eye is milky-white and partially blind. Basically, everything is kind of fuzzy-looking to him out of that side. While it is completely white at first glance, if you stare long enough, you can still see a shadow of his pupil and iris.

•His right eyes has a very vibrantly-colored iris of gold with orange flecks that glow like candlelight. Orange and yellow colorings often appear when an angel falls and gets somewhat corrupted. It's basically their mark that they've renounced the heavens.

•In his full form, Lord Lucifer's entire body fills with eyes that are a mix of steel blue/grey and golden ones. In full form, his original set of eyes turn pure white and glow brightly. Basically he looks like this:

{I'll be honest, I don't like most of the pictures I've drawn of him, but that's because they are old, and I have improved a lot since making them, so looking back, I kind of hate it, but at the same time, they do have nice qualities to them, so I...

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{I'll be honest, I don't like most of the pictures I've drawn of him, but that's because they are old, and I have improved a lot since making them, so looking back, I kind of hate it, but at the same time, they do have nice qualities to them, so I hope you'll like them at least}


•His injuries come from a number of fights he's had. People, for some reason, like starting shit with him in the demon realm but are swiftly put back in their place. Other injuries were obtained by his "fall from grace" and prior happenings of when he lived in the heavens.
>>> He doesn't consider his scars ugly and can actually heal a majority of them if he wanted to, but rather would wear them as trophies of successful battles and motivation to get stronger from failures.

•I originally wrote him to have a sharp, straight-ish nose, but now that I'm looking at these old pictures, I kind of would rather have him have a Roman nose instead. Honestly, this chapter's making me wanna scrap the whole man and start him up from scratch. Maybe some other time, though. For now, let's just make it through the profile.

        •Narrow face and a strong jaw. The upper left side has burn marks and scars, while a few scratches mark his chin.

        •His once most prized features were his massive wings, which spanned very wide and were once so long that they would often drag behind him like an extravagant robe of feathers. In their glory days, they were illuminated by a rainbow hue of color so bright and vibrant, it could blind you. However, in time, they were cut a good portion from their original size, now to the length of any normal angel, mangled and plucked to two flimsy strands of feathers that struggle to cling on. That vibrant color, now a dull white from the many years casted out from the heavens. They were essentially taken away from him during his fall. They are the one part of himself he cannot fix to their original state.

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