SEASON ONE; payback

Start from the beginning

"Okay, Mr.I-need-to-stop-to-pee-every-ten-minutes." Murphy made a face at her.

"She's not wrong," 10k groaned from the road, and she counted that as a win, but her mood faded when she felt the rumbling. "what is that? An earthquake?" the boy asked, sitting up halfheartedly. 

"More like a zombie quake," Doc mentioned, standing up to observe the cause of all the racket. (y/n) stood lazily, swaying a little on her feet. She turned to face the road, and swallowed - dry throat screaming in protest. 

A horde of Zs, so large that their running was kicking up a huge dust storm, headed right for them. 

"Goddamn guys just won't quit," Warren complained 

"No kidding," the girl winced, shuffling forwards to get a better look. 

"I suggest we run for it," Murphy suggested - actually good advice for once. Without waiting for anyone else, he turned on his heel and charge past (y/n). "Come on people! Pick it up!" He said, when he noticed nobody was following him. 

(y/n) was sitting on the ground, chin resting on her knees, pulled tight towards her body. No one moved a muscle, much too exhausted to even try outrunning it. 

"I - We can't," Warren said between laborious breaths "Dehydrated." Murphy jogged on the spot and helped her to her feet. 

"Come on," he coaxed "keep moving! Let's go!" (y/n) rolled her eyes, slowly getting up on her feet and grabbing her rifle. Doc helped Cassandra up, and everyone started jogging painfully. 

The sharpshooter, (y/n) saw while looking behind her, was staring at the zombies in horror. She jogged over to him, muscles aching already. "Tommy!" She grabbed his bicep "we have to go." He nodded once, and they took off towards the group together. 

                       ➳They ran a few blocks, looking for someplace to wait out the massive horde. They couldn't go through it or outrun it, so this was their only option. 

"This way!" Warren guided them to a mortuary, and (y/n) paid attention to the irony that she was sure Shakespeare would have appreciated. The girl was the last one in and was about to close the door, when a voice called out in fear. 

"Wait! Don't shoot!" A man dove through the door that she held, and Warren mercied another human who had fallen to the first ranks of Zs that caught up to them. Saved by the bell. 

When the door had been secured, everyone settled down slightly. Only the muffled growls from the outside made them aware of the fate that might befall them anytime now, but no one seemed too concerned about that. 

10k laid on the floor, facedown. Murphy gazed out the window, which let light filter into the otherwise depressing space. The man they'd saved - who introduced himself as Otis - sat in a chair, probably mourning his travelling companion. 

"So, that's it," Murphy spoke loudly, making (y/n)'s headache worse. "we're all just gonna lay down and die?" He approached Doc, who leaned against a desk trying to sleep the pain of dehydration away. "Doc!" The old man jerked awake. 

"Knock it off, Murphy," Warren commanded tiredly, resting her head on the desk. 

"Three days without water, man," he told him "the human body hits the wall." Cassandra piped up from her spot sitting near the New Guy. 

"There must be thousands of them," she observed, staring out the window. (y/n) rubbed her temples and curled up on her side, facing the group. 

"Millions," Otis corrected. "They're migrating." 

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