Never not busy PT2

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Backstory (case you don't want to read first part, here you go): Ray, Charlotte, and Jasper all got sick. The Hart twins, Piper and Henry, are the only two not sick. Until they figure out how they all got sick, everyone is confined to the man cave. With Charlotte and Jasper slowly starting to feel better, Henry and Piper have still gotten very little the no sleep, and are waiting for Shwoz to come back and figure out what's wrong.

"Hello, I'm back!" Shwoz exclaimed, coming out of the elevator.

"It's about time!" I say, annoyed.

Shwoz immediately leaves to go see what he can do about the sickness.

~time skip brought to you by Yelena~

"I've figured something out!" Shwoz exclaims.

He talks a lot of science-y stuff that I don't exactly understand, and instead once he's done talking I just tell him to figure out how to fix it.

A few hours later, he manages to fix it and all of the sick children were not sick anymore.

"I need to sleep for a week." Piper exclaimed once they were all in the same room.

"I haven't slept for two weeks, taking care you you guys! I mean, how did you guys even get that sick anyways, how did you even get sick!?" I exclaim, pointing at people while I'm talking.

"Just go sleep, both of you." Charlotte says, pushing us into the guest room that we were sharing while in the man cave, because almost all of the other ones got destroyed, and until they could be fixed, there is only enough for Jasper, Charlotte, and for Piper and I to share. So three rooms.

We both comply, making it to the bed and passing out as soon as our bodies land on the bed. 

Okay eventually I will come back and edit this so there is more detail and whatever, but right now I have no motivation and major writers block, so I have no idea when I will edit this or when I will post another part. Pls I need ideas if you have any I am running out of literally everything, including mental sanity.

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