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Eleanor | 1 Month 2 Weeks.

"Let's watch some Netflix" Carter yowled in delight, making Marley punch his arm hard, he grumbled a curse word while Eleanor laughed at the two. It was really rare now-a-days that she got to hang out with her friends, she was afraid of many things and her thoughts usually wandered to the very many scary things instead of her friends. They called, she barely answered, they texted, she kept her phone on silence, they even came over a couple of times, but they only stayed for a small while before Eleanor would kick them out.

"What do you want to watch?" Eleanor asked, scooting closer to Marley on the couch, the black leather scrunching beneath her. Marley let out a wild grin on her face "Let's watch this one" Marley exclaimed enthusiastically, pointing to a movie on the screen called Titanic in bold white letters with a boat on the cover, Eleanor smiled. "Yes! That one, Carter select it!" Eleanor said, looking up hopefully at Carter with Marley at her side, but Carter shook his head, frowning "No way, it's way to girly, even for me" he said, shrugging at the heartbroken girls, they mumbled mean curse words before looking back at the screen, saying a brief "Fine" in annoyance.

They looked briefly through the selections of Netflix, some awing, some frightening, and some just plain weird, but they still couldn't find the perfect movie that would fit all of their tastes. "How about White Chicks? That's a great comedy movie" Eleanor suggested, sitting criss-cross on the couch with Marley's head arched on her lap, looking extremely irritated and tired. "No, seen it way to much" Marley and Carter said, concisely looking at each other before setting all attention back to the screen "How about 50 First Dates? Nice Romantic Comedy" Marley said before getting declined harshly for choosing something cliché "Fine, Jesus" Marley replied to the harsh declines, crossing her arms awkwardly over Eleanor's knee, Eleanor shifted uncomfortably. "God, this is going to take forever" Carter said exaggeratedly, placing his free palm over his head in mock drama "You don't think it already has?" Marley snapped at him, taking the remote from his hand forcefully before skipping a few rows of category's.

"Marley, come on, stop skipping through all of the category's" Eleanor asks, her eyebrows laced in concern, she didn't want all of the Movie's to get skipped, what if there was a good one for them all. She sighed when Marley grumbled something incoherent and continued to skip the rows of category's "Come on Marley" Carter joined in, Eleanor shot him a glare "That's my line, boy" she said teasingly, shoving him playfully, she then heard a ding come from the screen and scrunched her nose, making her freckles look folded. "What did you do?" she asked Marley, her lips drowning into a frown, Marley just smirked "I chose a movie my amigos!" she exclaimed, Eleanor wasn't as amused "What are we watching?" Carter asked, looking up at the screen as well "Fat Boy Chronicles" Marley said "I've been dying to watch this, besides, it's my Netflix, shouldn't I choose?" Marley raised an eyebrow at the silent two before looking back at the screen, a smirk clear on her features once more. Eleanor just rolled her eyes before watching the Movie with her.

Eleanor didn't pay much attention to the Movie, she was mostly paying attention to her thoughts, swimming through her mind like salmon going up stream. She knew that the sooner she told her friends, the sooner she would lose them, but, at the same time they could accept her problem and help her, even though the scenario seemed impossible. She also needed to get in touch with Latif and.. tell him she was sorry, as much as it pained her because she felt like he was the one at fault, she still needed help, and to get that help it meant Rose Eleanor Carter had to apologize to Latif whatever-his-middle-and-last-name-is. But what shook her the most was that she was going to get a bump soon, and that was pretty much going to ruin her and her image to every single student at her school. She would be demonized as a skank or a whore, and what was worse is that she felt like one whenever she thought of the words. She shook her head, she wasn't one, she was going to be the same old Eleanor.

The movie ended sooner then Eleanor thought, leaving just their chatting, and Eleanor's now retreating thoughts. They chatted for a long time, talking about Jeremiah and Marley's new foot fetish, and Eleanor listened, never realizing how much she missed this. Missing the company of her companions. "Anyway, Eleanor, what's been going on with you?" Marley asked, eyebrows arched upward in question, she just shrugged, giggling at the small gesture "Not much really" she replied bluntly, trying to keep the conversation directed at her friends and not her "Bull shit, Eleanor, I know you've been doing something, now spill"Marley said, looking at her in mock anger, but Eleanor just kept her mouth shut.

Don't tell them, she thought to herself Don't tell them.

"I-um-well-Nothing!" she yelled defensively, wrapping her arms around herself in nervous habit. Marley looked taken a-back at her sudden outburst "Eleanor," Marley said, talking as she would to a wounded animal or uncooperative child "Tell us, you can trust us" Marley's tone was serious, she could tell that Marley wanted an answer or an explanation to her rather odd behavior, and Eleanor felt the need, the want to tell her, to tell somebody. Eleanor sighed, she knew this was coming. "I'm-I I'm pregnant" Eleanor's eyes sown shut, she told the words shakily, feeling like her Mom just ripped off a bandage that had been on a soft part of her skin for weeks. She heard the racking sob that came from Marley, she knew it was Marley by the way she yelled it, like she had just gotten shot instead of being told news. She felt Marley's arms curve around her neck and she accepted, slightly dazed by the same reaction she had gotten from Latif "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" she heard Carter say solemnly, Eleanor just shrugged, taking a shaky breath into Marley's coconut sensing hair. "I thought you guys wouldn't be my friends afterwards" she felt the light weight lift from her chest like Simba in the first shot of The Lion King, "What?" Marley snapped back from Eleanor and Eleanor opened her eyes at the sudden movement "Don't ever think that Eleanor, Ever!" she looked beside Marley's head to a very pissed off Carter, she gulped "I'm sorry, I just thought-" Marley pushed her finger to her lips "Don't you ever think that again, you hear me?" Marley snapped at her, she nodded over and over, trying to get her friends away from her face "Ever think that again and we'll conflict the most pain known to man; tickles" Eleanor's head snapped up as she saw Carter's and Marley's eyes narrow, a smirk playing on their lips as Eleanor gulped heavily "No!" Eleanor squealed, running away from the two, their fingertips wiggling teasingly.

It was going to be a long night. 

> Hey guys, New Chapter! I had no school today because our teachers were on strike! Thanks you reading, leave a comment below if liked or disliked!

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