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Eleanor ~ 1 Month.

Eleanor felt like just another face in the crowd – for now at least – as she walked through her school hallway. She was glad that today was school, in fact, if you were her friend and asked her she'd probably say that she was joyful, which was really rare for Eleanor to say since her Aunt Joy would always criticize that word.. and her name. She sighed before walking up to her Locker.


Her brain processed and went through the combo faster than Data to a Computer. Maybe slower, but Eleanor didn't care. She opened her locker, gliding through the covers that said all of her classes in order by period. She wasn't always this organized, in fact, her friend, Carter, had done it for her a few days ago. Her heart skipped at the thought of Latif, and what had happened. She shook her head and grabbed her book before she closed the locker before continuing to her first class; Physics.

She never enjoyed school, but she didn't hate it either. She enjoyed seeing her friends and talking to them, and getting a free lunch. But that was about it. She wasn't a big fan of anything else, especially Teachers. Teachers were like an Alarm clock, constant, loud, and annoying, but possibly the worst was their accusing fingers. But some teachers were different, it was very rare that they were nice though, some of them weren't always constant – unlike Mrs.Rea. Mrs.Rea would get annoyed and remind you constantly about the work you needed to do (Eleanor! Need I remind you for the 13th time that you need to turn in that Essay about the Civil War?! Or Eleanor, please, for the 50th time; you need to finish your 'Glory' Summary! Eleanor would always get pissed off afterwards and throw her work in the trash after her period to shove it in her face.) and that would annoy Eleanor like the way mosquito's annoyed her. If she could see Mrs.Rea now, she would write a Glory summary just to shove it in her over sized mouth. She always hated Mrs.Rea's dark red lipstick.

Eleanor bit her bottom lip in irritation, thinking about Mrs.Rea and her temper tantrums brought back bad memories of detention and after school lectures. Ugh. She shook her head in annoyance, but decided to leave the thought alone to settle back into the Regrets file of her brain. She didn't want to open anything new in that file, she would look like she was on her phone texting nudes in Physics. she didn't want to look like that in class.

When class ended, she was more than happy to jump into the crowd of idiots that filed the hallways, even if she got trampled down. She always felt like that after a class though, so when it came to leaving any class, it gave her two pressure points in her heart: one that felt like she was high on Cocain (Without the white powder snuggled to the side of her nose) and the other feeling dread for the next class, well, except for 6th period; she would get to go home then. That always made her feel giddy.

Before getting trampled again by another tall guy with surfer blond hair, she darter to the side of the hallway where her locker sat, unharmed. Lucky Bastard she thought, wanting to stick her tongue out at her locker, but that would just look weird and draw attention.

When the hallway was starting to skim, she saw one of her friends approach her with a giddy grin. She frowned and sighed, taking a piece of her red hair that had fallen and pushed it back behind her ear out of habit. She turned to greet her friend while grabbing one of her books. She loved the feeling of a book cover, especially when she brushed her fingers against husk leather, yet it always felt like a chore whenever she felt her chemistry or social studies book, but she didn't look into it much, after all, it was a school book.

"hey there!" she averted her eyes from the book covers and saw a pair of pale green ones meet her own brown ones. She sighed as she looked at Carter, a fake smile playing her lips, he didn't seem to notice though as he started to blab her ear off. Unlucky for him, she wanted to keep her ear so she was trying to make this quick. Besides, she needed to get to class. "Hi"

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