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Eleanor's eyes fluttered open, disoriented from the light that shown from the window. Sometimes Eleanor hated the sun. She had once gotten a sunburn by accident while laying in the sun, when she had seen the closest mirror she looked as orange as an Orange Tabby. She cringed, but soon regret it as she felt pressure move at her lower abdomen. In all truth, she didn't want to look, but did she really have a choice? She silently sighed.

She looked over to find a boy, resting his cheek against a pillow as he snored silently. She smiled a little at the resting figure before her. He had brown tussled hair - sex hair - and tan skin. He looked around the age of 17, for which she was 16. His freckles were pornographic, all she wanted to do was kiss them off his face. She was handsomely attracted to freckles. (Sentence dedicated to Rainbow Rowell)

But she knew she couldn't gawk at the one-night-stand's freckles all day long. He was going to wake up soon, and she wasn't going through that awkward moment.

Eleanor swiftly moved slightly to the left, trying her best not to wake the boy. She scooted until she was practically floating and drifted the boys hand off of her waist. She grabbed a pillow to try and hide her area and got up. She picked up her clothes that were at random spots on the floor.

Note to self: Try and keep your clothes in a pile next time

This had not been the first time Eleanor had slept with a guy who she had no recollection of. In fact, she dabbled in the art of one-night-stand's to the point where she didn't feel surprised at all. She had never been the most committal fish in the sea, and she never knew why.

Once Eleanor had grabbed all of her clothing items and put them on (Or at least the important parts), she left with no note, no notice, just a headache that seemed to drag on. Before Eleanor left, she noticed their rival school - Kingsman High - logo on a shirt he wore in a family portrait with two other guys sitting next to him smiling. All of the boys in the photo seemed to be wearing the same sweater. She soon frowned Why did I have to sleep with a rival? She asks herself before leaving the house.

She was soon home free, glad that she had left.


What do you guys think so far? Leave a comment below! Yes Girls Chase Boys Chase Girls will be continuing, but both may have a bit slower updates. Thanks for reading!

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