She was a hot mess when it came to handling the bills or holding down a job, but she was sweet and pretty. All she'd ever wanted to do was take care of other people. She deserved better. What drew her to these assholes?

As I dried, dressed, and wrapped my hair in a towel, I thought maybe because she had me when she was sixteen, and my dad was a jerk, she thought all men were. If so, that was stupid. Didn't she see the people around her in normal, happy relationships with nice guys?

I froze as the thought struck me—I was her. One awful relationship with terrible, dry sex and passionless kisses made me think that's all there was. I was a moron.

Thank God, I had Mandy to show me the light. Well, I guess Tre was the one to show me. Mandy just sorta shoved me toward the light.

I giggled to myself and opened the door. I wasn't paying attention as I stepped into the hall, and Gary knocked me to the side, slamming me into the wall. Pain exploded in my shoulder.

"You better watch your mouth, bitch or—"

Mama appeared in front of me, facing Gary. "It's alright, honey. Don't be mad. She didn't mean nothin' by it." She glanced back at me with pleading eyes. "Did you, Gemma?"

She was scared, and I wanted to throw Gary out myself. Mama was a petite little thing, a hundred pounds soaking wet, and hardly over five feet. Gary towered over us both. But she'd just let him back in if I kicked him out, and I couldn't always be here.

My jaw popped as I unclenched my teeth. "No, I didn't mean anything. Just crabby I guess."

"Well, I guess you better move your tramp-ass on to work. Don't think I didn't see what dropped you off last night, neither." Gary sneered.

Mama looked between us. "What? Who dropped you off?"

I straightened and couldn't stop from glaring at Gary. "My very sweet and handsome date."

A smile spread across Mama's face, but Gary scoffed. "You'll never find a decent man to want you if you're gonna be whoring for one of them."

"Decent like you?" I arched my brow and straightened, ready to stand my ground.

"Honey," Mama reached up to pet Gary's face. "Why don't you get in the shower? You've been waiting, and I want some time with you before you go. Okay?" Her hand moved from his face, down his chest and stomach, coming to rest with her fingers hooked into the top of his cotton shorts.

I cringed and fought the bile rising in my throat while he ignored me. Apparently, her distraction worked. He grabbed her butt and said, "Hurry up," before going into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

Mama waited until the water started, to whisper, "Why'd you have to make him angry like that?"

"That man is a pile of shit. You could do so much better."

She sighed. "He's not really like that. He just doesn't like when people talk back."

"Wow, Mama."

She waved her hand, as if dismissing the conversation, and smiled. "So, tell me about this date. Was he good to you?"

My mood lifted. "He was amazing."

"I'm so glad." Her eyes cut to the bathroom door for a second. "What's Gary's problem with him?"

"Tre's black."

"Oh." Mama shrugged. "I'm glad you had a nice time. Will you see him again?"

"We have plans for tomorrow."

She clapped softly. "That's wonderful."

"It is." I beamed at her. "He's the first guy I've liked in a long time."

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