If you love her Part 2 M.T

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Slay gay and heyyy :]

This will be the sad ending. So not really sad except for the ones that wanted Mari and us back together hehe. I really really have mixed feeling about this one tbh
Was requested first from Sparky0625 I think😭 I hope ya'll like it <3

Warnings: Swearing, Gay.

Wordcount: ≈750


Your POV:

It's been 2 years since I left. I moved to germany and found a job as an English and German teacher. The kids were great, all super intrested and everyone is so polite. Don't even get me started on my colleges, I love them all. But yet there is one that caught my attention, maybe a little too much.

Her name is Jennifer. Jennifer Jereau (see what I did🕵‍♀️) she is so perfect. The way blonde wavy hair falls over her shoulders, her smile that lights up the whole room and her eyes deep blue like the ocean. Still, she is not Marilyn. I hate myself for thinking of her, even after all this time. I wanna ask Jen out but I am scared that I will compare her to Mari. I guess I need to find out huh.

The class started to fill and I began with my lesson.

Y: So guten Morgen ihr lieben, heute haben wir vor eine Gedichtsanaylse zu schreiben.
(So good morning dear ones, today we are going to analyze a poem.)

A groan came from all sides and I chuckeld remembering how I also hated that shit. However I tried to make this lesson as fun as possible.

After the lesson I made my way to the teachers lounge. There I saw her sitting in a chair, doing I don't know what but still looking good while doing so.

Suddenly my phone started to ring.


Huh, who in God's name could that be? I picked up not expecting anything bad.

Y: Hello?

M: Y/n, omg. Is it really you?

My blood ran cold as I immediately recognized the voice. Making my way out the door to go outside. Luckily most of the students went home already.

Y: What do you want?

M: I- I want to apologize ok? I know I've made a big big mistake and-

I immediately cut her off, surprised she even thought of calling.

Y: Yeah no, I'm not doing this shit. You fucking broke my heart. YOU are the one who broke my trust. You broke our entire realtionship by even thinking about this guy ok? Oh and you know what I'm done with you. Because not only you broke us but you broke me too. Do you even know how much I've cried? How long it took me to stand up again and start working again? I finally got over you and now you dare call me? I never want to talk to you, see you or hear from you ever again never in my life. Because I'm done with us. Goodbye.

I ended the call and blocked her number. Who does she think she is, calling me and apologizing. I am beyond furious.

I didn't hear the door open as I slide down the wall.

J: Hey, are you okay? I heard yelling and wasn't sure to wait or come but now I'm here. I- I uhm just wanted to uhm make sure you're, ya know. Ok?

Chuckling at her, as she stuttered and blushed while talking I looked at her with watery eyes.

Y: Yeah I'm fine. Just my ex. We didn't really broke up on a good note, you know.

She nodes and sighs.

J: Yeah I know that feeling. My ex cheated on me after 2 years relationship, the worst part is that she did it with a man.

Y: No way, that's what happened with me. We were together for like 4 years and then I found out she cheated on me with the Coffe guy. He didn't really knew so it's not his fault. Still hurts like hell.

She agreed and sat down next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder as a thank you and we just enjoyed the silence that surrounded us.

J: You know, I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go for a coffe sometimes.

I looked up smiling at her while agreeing. Even though I hate coffe I mean like bleh. It's bitter and I just hate it to be honest.

Y: I'd love nothing more Jen. How bout Saturday 9am?

J: Sounds wonderfull, I'll pick you up.

I stand up stretching my hand out for her to grab so she can stand up better. We got nack to the teachers lounge and made eye contact then and now. Maybe Marylin wasn't the one for me after all.


So I'm ok, I think😀 didn't yeet myself outta here yet so I'm gonna say I'm ok✋️ I got my life back together, not completely but it's going somewhere :)

Also please write requests because idfk what I should write😭

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