If you love her M.T

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This oneshot was inspired by the song "If you love her by Forest Blakk"
Requested by me 'cause I'm awesome
I'm sad so go with it💅

Warnings: lil sad/ swearing

Wordcount: ≈ 950


Your Pov: 

Love. Something beautiful yet so painful. Especially the first one. They say the first one is always impossible to forget. I didn't want to believe that but now I do. It was my fault falling for her. My fault believing I was not just a distraction. I really thought she could love me. Just like I loved her. What am I saying I still do. I wonder if all the moments we spent together meant anything to her.

Flaaaashback wowowowowow

M: Honey I'm coooold!

I chuckled at my girlfriends statement. Everytime when she wakes up in the morning and I'm not in bed with her she would call out to me saying she was cold. I contiued to make breakfast when I felt two hands sneaking around my waist. Turning my head to kiss her I felt her smile in the kiss.

Another Flashbaaaaack powwww

Currently I am hiding from Marilyn. Why? I may or may not stole her favorite plant. BUUUT only because I got her another one, almost identical but a bit bigger and in her favorite color. Let me tell that this shit was expensive as fuck.


Shiiiit I fucked up

I tried to slowly make my way out of Biancas dorm but just my luck Marilyn stood infront of it.

Y: Hehe hi babyyyy. How- how can I uh help you?

I tried to smile at her

M: You give me back my plant right now or so help you god.

I chuckeld and well ran. I ran into Marilyns room were I hide the plant for her. Confused as to why she hasn't saw it yet. I mean with the big ass glasses she has. No hate to her glasses they're fucking cute.

Just as I was about to put it in place Mari barged in. Woah she's slow as fuck.

Y: Look before you say anything, I have something for you okay? So please don't murder me.

I pulled out the flower and showed it  her. She teared up and before I knew ut I was pulled into a bone crashing hug.

M: Thank you so so so much my love. I love it. Oh god I don't wanna think about the price, oh my god thank you so much. I am sorry for wanting to mureder you.

I smiled down at her and kissed her with as much passion as possible.

Flashback enddd ✨️Zu Ende✨️

God why did I let her in. I love her so much and she gave everything I gave her up for that stupid Coffee guy. The sad thing is that he didn't even knew that he was the reason we broke up. I don't even know why I'm writing that letter right now. Maybe so I can close that miserable chapter of my life.

Dear Coffe guy,

I know that you didn't intend to ruin my relationship with Marilyn so I am not angry at you. I am angry at myself, angry that I let her go so easily, that I didn't try harder. I saw the way she looked at you the moment you two met. She used to look at me that way. So please all I'm asking is that you treat her well. I listed a few things you would need to know.

She always has trouble falling asleep
and she likes to cuddle while under the sheets.
She loves Pop songs and dancing, and bad trash TV.
There's still a few other things though, she loves love notes and babies and likes giving gifts, she has a hard time accepting a good compliment.
She loves her friends.
So if you're the one she lets in take it if she gives you her heart
please don't break it,
let your arms be a place
she feels safe in
she's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you if you love her on days when it feels like the whole world might cave in.
Stand side by side and you'll make it.
Kiss her with passion as much as you can. Run your hands through her hair whenever she's sad and when she doesn't notice how pretty she is, tell her over and over again,
so she never forgets.

I think that is pretty much it. Please take care of her and never go to bed angry at each other, she hates that also.


When I closed the letter I couldn't stop my tears anymore. I cried for hours and eventually fell asleep.

The next day I got up, took the letter and drove one last time to Jericho to give him the letter.

T: Hi how can I help you today?

I stood frozen infront of him trying to find the right words.

Y: I- uhm. I'll take a Macha latte please.

God I can't do this. I need to but I don't want to.

I sat down at one of the windows and drank my coffee. Thinking about how I would give the letter to him. Thinking wasn't helping I'll just do it.

Y: Thank you for the coffee, uhm... here. Read it when you have time today and take care of her for me.

With that I just walked to my car and ignored his calls about why I would give him a letter.

I drove of. Not knowing my next stop. I just drove, hoping that I'll never need to go back.


Sad very very sad... Anygaysssss🤩🤩🤩

Marilyn Thornhill one shots because she is mommy🛐Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora