Chapter 3: Visiting School

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The Blight woke up from her slumber as her alarm clock started beeping. Turning it off, she sat on her bed rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. Getting up to stretch, she walked to her bathroom to wash up. After feeling awake, she got out and picked out some clothing for the day. She was going to her new school for her schedule and tour so she would know when and what to do when she goes to school first time next week. It was Wednesday, so she would be expecting students to be at school.

She opened her door, seeing her mother standing there. "Mother, you scared me." Her mother let out a small chuckle, "I'm sorry but are you ready to go now? We are to meet the Principal at 10." She nodded her head and they went downstairs. "Where's father?" She asked walking out the door. "Your father just left for an office meeting." They entered their car as their driver held the door open. Closing after the entered and drove to the school a which was about 45 minutes away.


The young Blight's eyes widen as she saw her school: it was big, clean and very calming, unlike her old school, it was messy and dull. They were dropped off at the entrance, seeing that the principal was already waiting for their presence. "Good morning Mrs. Blight. How are you today?" He asked taking out his hand to shake. "Very good, thank you," her mother answered shaking his hand. He walked over and examined Amity for a bit. "You must be Amity, it's a pleasure to have you in or school." He gave a warming smile to her. "The pleasure is all mine sir."

"Well now why don't we go in my office for the paperwork and the other." Gesturing them to follow him. They follow him down the hallways of the school. The sounds of teachers' voices filling the hall as they spoke, some students answering questions. The hallways were filled with the rays of the sun making it bright enough to see the place. The lockers painted blue, benches around the middle, plants in some corners making the school look presentable for its students and visitors.

Some students having a free period or a hall pass greeting them and the principal as they walked by. Ahead of them was a large glass door with a woman sitting behind the desk. Entering it, the were greeted by the coldness and the smell of lemon. "Morning Principal Bump. I see the new student had just arrived." The lady said looking at them. "Good morning Lilith. Can you excuse Luz Noceda from her class. She will be giving her the tour," the principal said to her. She nodded her head and they entered the principal's office.

"Take a seat and we'll get started immediately." They sat down across him as he took out papers from his drawer. "Alright, Mrs. Blight. We'll talk about what we need to know about the rules, uniforms and the dorms. Amity's guide will be here in a minute or two." The continued their conversation and Amity looked around the office. There were gold medals and achievements that was awarded to the school. This must be a really good school. A knock was heard at the door and the principal told them to come in.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

The Blight turned her head and her jaw nearly dropped. It was the same girl she met yesterday. "Ah Luz. Meet our new student. I've assigned you to give her a tour around the school while her mother and I deal with some paperwork." She looked at Amity but didn't seem to be familiar with her. "Alright, come on let's go." She got up and excused herself from the principal and her mother as she went to follow the brunette out of the office. She said goodbye to Lilith as she passed her and got out.

"Alright, nice to meet you." Her smile was a soft and sweet smile. Amity felt her face flush red seeing her smile. "I-it's nice to meet you to." What is wrong with me? "Let's start from the library." She led her to a large wooden door painted white. "So this is the library, you usually borrow books here," Luz joked. "I also found a secret place behind one of the bookshelf," she whispered. "Now let's go to the next room which is the laboratory." Both walking pass each classrooms, Luz explaining what they usually do and what teacher would teach them.

After a complete tour of the school, they went back to the office. Mrs. Blight still inside so both of them waited outside for her. Luz wanted to talk to the principal and Amity had to go back to her mother. Silence was the only thing between them before Luz broke it. "So, I didn't know you were attending Hexside now Blight." Amity turned to Luz who was already looking at her with a smile. "Yeah, I guess. I thought you would forgot who I was," Amity replied, her cheeks brushed pink.

The bell rang and it was lunch time, students poured out of their classes but Luz still remained. "Well how could I forget those beautiful eyes," she flirted making Amity roll her eyes. "Pfft, you're such a do-." Before she finished, she was cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat. "Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Luz let out a sigh and turned to face them. "It's nothing Bri. Bump just told me to help her around, we just finished our tour so know I'm waiting for him." Her tone sounded depressing, like she didn't want to talk with her.

"Then what's with you both being so close for?" She walked up to Amity and gave her a glare, both were the same height. Only difference was that Amity had auburn hair dyed mint green and she had blonde hair. "Ok before you kill her, why don't you go have lunch? Britney is probably looking for you." She rolled her eyes and turned her heel to the opposite direction and walking away. "Sorry about Gabriella, she's just another drama queen who thinks she's better than everyone."

She looked at Luz straight in the eye, her brown hazel eyes sent a fuzzy feeling to her heart. "I-it's fine. I've dealt with things like this before, so I'm fine." She looked away trying to hide her red face. "Alright I guess, I'll see you around Blight." She walked off and Amity let out a sigh. "So making friends already?" Amity tensed up and saw her mother. "Yes, I was. She's really nice." Her mother kept the same facial expression, "let's go now." She walked off, Amity following behind her. Entering back in their car, Amity let out a sigh of relief. She thought about her new friend the entire ride home.

The way she looked at me, the way she acted and she said I have beautiful eyes. Darn it what is this feeling? I'll ask Ryan after this.

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