18. The Final Ball

Start from the beginning

"There will be no regrets, Lady Danbury." I quietly say, slowly walking away from her.

If there is anyone to blame for all the nuisance, it is Benedict. I wanted nothing more than a peaceful departure, but he has made it absolutely impossible with his selfish and ignorant declarations yesterday.

"Oh–" I startle as I bump into someone. "Miss Penelope!"

The red headed young lady looks up at me in slight shock, but swiftly regains herself elegantly. "Miss Griffiths! I am terribly sorry–"

"No! It is entirely my fault. My mind seems to be elsewhere."

"Perhaps it is in your suitcase already, ready to leave." She jokes.

"Perhaps it is..."

"So, how are the preparations for your travels going?"

"All is set. I only need to pack my stuff I brought here and then I am good to go."

And with good to go, I mean completely terrified. Even though I have gladly left Mayfair before, it is always nerve wracking to present yourself to a new environment.

"Well, I am happy for you, Miss Griffiths. I always had the feeling that you were bound to do greater things than to stay in Mayfair. Though it is a pity you are leaving so soon. You have talked more to me these past few months than anyone else from the ton my entire life. Your kindness is something I will always be grateful for, Miss Griffiths."

"Same to you, Miss Penelope and please,– call me Nancy."

"Only if you call me Penelope as well- or Pen."

We both laugh and for the first time in days, I feel quite at ease. Probably because I do not have to worry about the complications that are included with courtship.

It is quite pleasant to only laugh and talk with a friend.

"You must be leaving many gentlemen wallowing." Penelope suddenly says as I catch her briefly looking at Colin Bridgerton who is busy conversing with his brothers.

Well, she sure knows how to play it subtle.

"I highly doubt that.– Say, how has the season been for you, Pen? Any progress with Mr. Colin Bridgerton yet?"

"Colin?" Penelope frowns.

"He is courting you, yes?"

"Oh no, no! Trust me... Colin would never dream of courting someone like me. No..." She mumbles, fiddling with her gloves.

"I wouldn't use the word never, Miss Penelope. Life has a funny way of catching a person off guard."

From a distance, I notice the three Bridgerton brothers slowly walking towards us.

"Miss Griffiths!– Penelope!" Colin Bridgerton greets, snapping Penelope out of the trance she was in.

I take a glass of champagne at the sight of Benedict and, with an annoyed expression, raise my glass to the three. "Bridgertons." I mumble a bit grumpy before taking a huge sip.

"Miss Griffiths. I hope you do not mind me stealing Miss Penelope from you for a dance." Colin says to which I shrug.

"Oh, not at all." I reply.

Colin smiles before extending his hand to Penelope who then, reluctantly accepts.

I frown as Benedict suddenly comes to stand right next to me, his arm slightly brushing against mine, but I remain completely still, attempting to distract myself by watching his younger brother and Penelope awkwardly await for the music to begin.

Love is a choice (Benedict Bridgerton)Where stories live. Discover now