Chapter 21

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TW: anxiety, intrusive thoughts, ED mentions

Tommy had never felt so alone in his life.

He knows Wilbur is worried.

He knows Phil is under a lot of stress.

He knows others are sad too.

He also knows that Niki is leaving food outside his locked door.

The thought of food makes him sick.

Maybe he'll starve.

. . . 

Starving won't bring Techno back though.

Techno . . .

He was there and then he wasn't.

Tommy wasn't ready for it.

His life had finally been looking up.

After hearing Eret's offer he'd felt so happy for once.

Of course it didn't last.

Tommy isn't sure whether to laugh at the irony or sob at the pain.

As he's deciding a soft voice carries through the door.

"When he was younger, he'd pretend," it began, low and hoarse as if they had been crying. "That his bedroom was a castle, he was fairest in the land."

"Eret?" Tommy whispered, his voice just as rough.

"Then he got older, and it all changed. There was no time for make believe and all the magic slipped away." The voice was still quiet but it was also deep and comforting, sounding like home. "Til' all the light in his eyes, it was all but gone. Cause the dreams that he had turned out to be wrong . . ."

"So keep your head up Prince before your crown falls,"

"All these voices in your head will be your downfall." Tommy continued for them, Techno's 'voices' from the SMP flashing through his mind. Eret hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"I know it gets real hard but you don't have far to go," They sounded somber, as if they had read Tommy's mind and sorted through all the hurt and fear themself. "Keep your head up prince it's a long road, and the path leads right to where they won't go."

"I know it hurts right now but I know you'll make it home." A stab of pain hit Tommy's chest, reminding him of the offer they had extended to him less than a week before.

"So keep your head up." Eret's soothing song kept him calm, grounding him to a reality he partly wished to leave. Before long however, Tommy began humming along.

"Keep your head up, dear prince." Eret sung, head against the door and tears in their eyes.

"Eret, I-" Tommy began, cutting himself off as he wheeled his was over to the door. He rested a hand on it, trying desperately to sort through his racing thoughts.

"Toms, I promise. If you need to fall in order to get back up stronger, that's fine. But I will never  let you fall alone.  I swear to you, through suffering and sunny days, I will stay by your side. Always."

Tommy felt the tears returning, forcing their way to his eyes, but he didn't mind it.

He made up his mind right then and there.

"Eret, I've decided," He began, cutting himself off. Last minute regrets and concerns flooded his frazzled mind but he shoved them away. His voice cracked a bit as he continued, but he did not regret it at all. "I accept your offer."

"I want to come live with you . . . and I'm so happy you want me to be your son."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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