Chapter 16

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Third Person POV:

A scream of pure pain and fear shook the mansion. No one had ever such pain or terror in someone's voice ever before. It was as if years of bottled hate and pain were coming out in one scream. As if the whole world had suddenly turned its back on someone who already had too much pain to handle. Everything was in slow motion as four figures sprinted in the same direction, towards the scream. Two more followed, all headed to one who had screamed. One more ran at the last second, everyone terrified.

Who was broken enough to scream with that much pain and terror at a glass that broke?


"W-what's happening?!" Tubbo asked Ranboo, fear and confusion lacing his voice. Ranboo pulled him into a hug, closing his eyes tightly.

"I'm not sure Tubbo," He admitted quietly, the same emotions in his voice as his shorter friend. "But whatever's happening with them, it's best not to have too many people in the room." Tubbo nodded, burying his head into his friend's chest.


Third Person - Tommy's Room

"TOMMY!" The door flew open as a terrified Wilbur sprinted into the room with Dream behind him. The boy in question was cowering on his bed on top of a fuzzy blanket. He had tears streaming down his face and his eyes were shut tightly. He had his legs clutched to his chest as he frantically apologized and begged through his sobbing.

"P-please! I-I'm s-s-sorry p-please d-d-don't sh-sh-shoot! P-please, I p-promise I w-won't t-tell! P-please! I-I - p-p-please!" Tommy was practically shouting, so much pain lacing his voice it hurt. Wilbur bent down to his level trying to understand what he was saying. Once he did he froze, scared.

"W-Wilbur?!" Techno stuttered, scared as hell. "W-what-"

"Move!" Karl said anxiously, pushing Techno and Philza out of the way and making his way to Tommy. He gave Wilbur one look and he stepped back, letting him and Sapnap past. They knelt before him, whispering quietly.

"Tommy, it's Karl and Nick, can we hug you?" Karl asked, waiting for the boy's response before engulfing him in a light hug. "You're safe, Tommy. Nothing can hurt you here, Wilbur and Techno are here, so are Philza and Dream. Quackity and Sapnap are the other two hugging you. No one else is in the room and you are safe." He whispered as the short boy in a blue beanie joined the hug. Wilbur and Techno were hugging with Phil while Dream went to calm the others.

"S-so many p-p-people," He mumbled quietly, taking the boys by surprise. "Al-Alex? K-Karl? N-N-Nick?" He tried to calm down but began sobbing again almost instantly. As the three hugging him continued to reassure him, those in the room had one question that stood out the most.

Why Tommy?

Tommy's POV:

I heard it again, the horrific sound that kept me up at night.

Why could I hear it? I wasn't back there, was I?

I was.

The area was dark as I walked backward, talking with a boy my age, Erin. I turned and held the door open for him as we entered the restaurant. It was fancy, expensive as hell. We were celebrating our other friend Aaron's birthday, and his parents were rich. We were laughing and talking, happy and ready for anything. Except what happened.

"Give it to me!" We turned and froze in horror as a man with a gun was demanding money. I wasn't sure what to do but I panicked when he turned to us. The place was nearly empty and I analyzed in seconds. I'm not sure why now, but I stood in front of my friends.

"TOMMY!" The second I moved in front of them he shot. I saw the bullet in slow motion, watching it carefully. It flew directly at me, an excellent shot. Directly into my abdomen. A perfect shot, enough to paralyze me but not to kill me with the right medical attention. I wonder if he didn't want to kill me or if he just aimed too low. I felt the blood on my skin, felt someone hugging me, felt tears in my eyes. Someone else's eyes were also tearing up and I felt the salty liquid on my arms. I heard sirens and more shoots.

"TOMMY PLEASE!" I could feel a cold sheet pulled on me as I was lifted into the ambulance. I hear the sirens but everything is blurry. I couldn't feel my legs, but I could feel the dried blood on them. I could feel a mask being put on my face, things blurring even more. My ears were ringing for a week after the Accident, I sometimes wish I had gone deaf.

"You're lucky to be alive!" They told me repeatedly, as if being paralyzed wasn't bad enough they had to remind me I was at a death risk. I wasn't lucky to be alive if I could still die. Besides, no one wants to live with depression, anxiety, paralysis, and a blood infection. Oh yeah, almost forgot. The surgery was a bit late, the bullet caused a lead infection in my bloodstream. Essentially cancer with a slightly lower death rate. Great.

I felt my breathing quicken as the sound I dreaded rang out again, instantly pulled my legs to my chest with my hands and hugging them. I didn't cover my ears, that made the ringing louder. I felt the tears stinging my face as my memory replayed, again and again, trying to change it. No matter what it stayed the same. I screamed. I knew why I defended my friends, and I screamed because they had good lives that I didn't and because I was scared of losing what I had just found, a family.

Erin had both parents and a twin brother. Aaron had a younger sister and dad that needed him. I always laughed at the similarity between their names, made fun of them for weird spellings. I teased them and insulted them, but when it came down to it, I was willing to risk my life for them. Funny how things work out. I heard the noise repeatedly.

Nothing changed as my trauma replayed in my head. Until I heard a steady, nervous voice from someone very far away.

"-Karl and Nick, - we hug you?" Some of it I couldn't hear right but I nodded anyway, hoping that would work. I felt arms wrap around me, two pairs followed by a third. "Safe . . . nothing can hurt . . . Wilbur and Techno . . . -ilza and Dream . . . Quackity and Sapnap . . . hugging you," I tried to say something about the amount of people but it came out warped. "Focus, Tommy . . . safe here, I promise . . . Alex and Nick . . . here for you!" I flinched when he raised his voice slightly, trying to focus as he said. I listened for everything but the sound I hated, making out another voice.

"Tommy, we're here . . . won't leave . . . promise. Stay . . . you're safe . . . we care." I felt like crying. When was the last time someone said they cared? Wil said it over Discord, but I mean in person. I don't remember. I wanted to hug back, I tried to hug back, but it was hard. I managed to do it after a minute, gaining more of my surroundings and feeling the hug in its full. I felt warm, cared for, loved even!

But most importantly, I felt safe.

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