Chapter 17

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TW: Karlnapity, Fluff

Techno POV:

It had been a month since the Scream. I was still scared for Tommy, but he seemed to be doing better. He flinched a lot less and we got soundproofing for everyone who was going to keep streaming so that helped as well. Him and Tubbo were moved to separate rooms since they were both staying for extra time too. Sam, Puffy, Connor, Hanna, Ponk, Punz, and a few others were going home, but some of us were staying. I agreed since Tommy was staying, and so did Wilbur, Nick, Karl, and Quackity.

"ALEX YOU SON OF A BITCH GIVE IT BACK!" Speak if the devil's, Quackity came running through the hall holding a plush above his head while Tommy chased him down.

"Come get it!" He said, running to hide behind me.

"What did he do?" I asked Tommy as he wheeled up to us, looking extremely angry.

"He took my Vikkstar plush!" Tommy whined, glaring at him. I reached up and took it from Quackity, making him yell something about me going soft.

"What's the magic word?" I said teasingly, holding it just out of Tommy's reach.


"Eh, close enough!" I said with a laugh, tossing it to him.

"Language!" Bad yelled from the kitchen, causing Quackity and Tommy to scream profanities as I slowly backed away toward the stairs. I made my way up to my room and quite literally ran into Wilbur on the way.

"Ow! Hey- Oh, Techno I was just looking for you!" He said when he looked up. I helped him up and headed to my room, him in tow. "So, Phil talked to Kristen and she said adoption is something they aren't ready for. I can't either cause financial shit. I highly doubt you would either. So for now Tommy's mom keeps custody but he lives here." He explained as he sat down.

"Oh, that's unfortunate." I said, an idea brewing in my mind. He tilted his head, curious but not questioning. I shrugged after a bit knowing I couldn't adopt him either.

"Hey, Sapnap wants everyone downstairs!" Charlie said, poking his head in the doorway after knocking. I nodded and stood up, following him and Wilbur down the stairs. All 20 or so of us that were staying were already gathered while Sapnap stood in the front.

Third person POV:

Sapnap stood the in front of everyone, Karl and Quackity closest to him without being out of the crowd.

"Hi guys!" He started, sounding nervous. "So um, I guess I'll skip to the point here. Karl, Alex, you two are the best boyfriends anyone could ever ask for. You're kind, sweet, funny, cute, and have wonderful personalities. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and I wanted to ask you something." He pulled a small, blue, velvet box out of his pocket and stepped forward in front of them, bending down on one knee and opening it. "Will you marry me?" Karl and Quackity stood, eyes wide and filling with tears. Karl looked about to burst while Quackity stood smiling like an idiot. Everyone was eager to hear the response, even if they already knew what it was.

"Yes, Nick yes!" Karl accepted instantly, wiping tears off his face with his sleeve.

"Yes of course!" Alex answered next, hugging Karl. Nick stood up and placed the rings on his fiance's fingers before kissing them in turn. The three hugged for a few minutes before turning to receive congratulations from their emotional friends.

"Congratulations big man!" Tommy said to Quackity, wiping a tear and hugging his friend. "I better get a wedding invite!" He joked.

"I'll do you one better, how does ring bearer sound?" Nick asked, walking over with Karl. The blond's eyes widened and he smiled happily, making the trio even happier. A marriage proposal and a real smile, two great things in one day!

"Congratulations!" Dream said with a smile, hugging his friends. "Glad I got that on camera, I'm going to play it at your wedding!" He joked, holding up the video camera.

"Yeah right. But really Clay, thank you for helping me with the ring, it means a lot to me." Nick admitted, hugging him again.

"No problem Snapmap!" He said with a laugh, annoying the brunette in front of him and making him fire back with insults. Dream of course fought back, one of the insults hitting a bit too hard.

"Hey, that's my fiance your talking to!" Quackity joked, joining in the conversation.

"Yeah, be nice to him or you'll have to answer to us!" Karl replied with a laugh, receiving another kiss from Sapnap.

"Thanks Alex, Karl. I really do love you," he said happily. The three were ready to begin this new chapter in their lives, and do what ever it takes to make the ones they love happy.

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