Chapter Twenty-one

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I'm laying in one of the rooms at the safe house why the guys are all talking business in the living room. When I hear shit hitting walls and shattering. I sigh and wiggle my way out of bed and over to the door, when I open a glass cup flies by my face barely missing me. I look up to see who threw it and I see Happy, dad, Tig, Alvarez, and Manny all staring at me.

"Sorry little one." Happy says to me but I just shut the door walking back to the bed and sit on the edge. I'm too tired and pregnant to be dealing with this shit. Someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." If it was Happy he would have just walked in. I turn my head to see who it is. Tig walks in and asks if I'll come sit out there because we need to have a conversation. I stand up and walk towards the door, walking over to the chair and sit. Dad, Happy, and Tig all sit on one couch while Alvarez and Manny sit on the one across from us. I pull my legs up and cross them in front of me and start rocking the chair not looking at anyone.

"Ashlynn I want to apologize to you for being involved in a mess I created, had I known my guys would retaliate because I asked sons for help I never would have. You and I have known each other quite some time now your friends with my wife so your life being in danger because of a move I made hits home. I will make this right." He says to me and then looks at the couch.

"Happy, Manny being here is on me. I wouldn't have had him ride with me if I didn't trust him. I know what he took from your old lady and that will be dealt with." He's says and nods to me. Manny stands up walking towards the center of the room.

"Man this is bullshit, her and I went a couple rounds one night, I was fucked up but I didn't take shit from you." Happy stands up coming to stand in front of me I reach up and grab his hand he squeezes mine lightly. I stand up and walk up to Manny all the guys stand up.

"Manny you did take something from me. Well not just me but you as well. That night that we just "went a couple rounds" as you put it but definitely not how it went. Well I was pregnant and you killed our baby when you kneed me and then slammed the door into me. So yes you did take something from me." He looks at me shocked and steps towards me but Happy moves me behind him. Dad and Tig step in front of Happy.

"I-I didn't know." Is all he says look back and forth between me and Alvarez.

"That's because you showed up late and drunk the night of her birthday and then left her lying on the floor." Happy spits out. Manny steps towards all of us but Alvarez taps his shoulder.

"If you step any closer your free game for them to make this shit right. That woman right there even after what you did made a deal with me and she's the reason you're still alive." Manny steps back, finding the couch and sinking into it then places his head in his hands.

Dad and Tig sit back down, Happy chest raises and falls rapidly. I bring his hand to my bump bringing his attention to me and little man. His breathing starts to slow he turns and faces me before sitting in the chair. He pulls me back sitting me on his lap and rubs my bump while resting his head against my back still trying to calm himself down.

"Ash I'm so sorry." Manny says to me and Happy growls.

"Nothing you ever say to me will fix what you took from me." I say to him while laying my hand on top of Happy's. No one says anything for a couple minutes so I take a deep breath.

"As shitty as it is to say out loud what you did to me put me where I needed to be and with who I needed to be with. I will never forgive you but now that you know that shit is on you. These guys won't touch you because now you have to deal with what you took. Losing our child is on you." I say to him and look at my dad and Tig they both nod their heads agreeing with me.

"Yuma is your home. After this shit is over you don't come back this way. Oakland and Stockton are of limits, you understand me?" Alvarez says to Manny.

"What deal did you make?" Manny says directed to me or Alvarez.

"The deal is you didn't come back here, seeing as you helped keep her safe I think you get a pass but after this is don't you can't come back." Alvarez says to him.

"My biggest regret is that night Ash but I'll help keep that deal after this shit is done you won't see me again." Manny says to me and Happy growls again. Any time Manny directs anything my way Happy growls.

There's a knock on the door and Happy lifts me up and sits me back on the chair standing in front of me. Everyone pulls a gun out. Happy stays in front of me while the other guy move towards the door. Happy points at Manny and I tap his side he looks back at me and I shake my head. He gives me a pouty look but I just shake my head again. He lowers his gun and places one hand on my bump.

When there's a knock at the door again and someone says open the damn door Alvarez puts his gun down puts his arm out the guys lower their guns and Alvarez opens the door and ask them what took so long.

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