Chapter Eighteen

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It's been three months since Jax has passed. Losing both him and Opie has been hard but the guys continued to talk about them as if they just walked out of the room. As much trouble as the club is, I thank God every day for this family I have. We've lost alot but that's what brings us closer.

Happy and I are finally moving me out of my dads place. Happy had finished closing on a house a couple weeks after Jax passed and I've been staying there mostly but he officially asked me to move in last week.

With dad as president of the club he's not around alot and doesn't want me at the house, after the whole ordeal where Jimmy tried to kill me there that put dads house on the radar so he doesn't feel safe with me there so once Happy closed he asked me to stay there whenever he knew it would be a late night.

Things have been mellow for the most part minus the occasional run ins. Dad as president, Tig as vp, and Happy as stg-at-arms things for the club were looking up.

Happy grabs my last box and walks it out to my new jeep while I stand in an almost empty room. My bed and dresser are the only thing in here. I didn't think leaving would make me this upset.

"You ready little one?" Happy startles me when he asks, I wipe my eyes and turn to face him.

"As ready as I'll ever been old man." Happy officially asked me to be his old lady the night of Jax's passing. He asked when we were eating dinner with all the guys that night.


I was cooking dinner for Happy and I when someone knocked on the door. I looked at him and he shook his head and told me to get down. We weren't expecting anyone. I feel like I can hear my heart as it races. Things have been quite for months. Happy pulls his gun from behind his back and creeps towards the door. Whoever behind it knocks again.

When Happy opens the door I hear Alvarez so I stand up and see he's holding his shoulder and his hand is covered in blood. I run to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit so I can try and help him before my dad gets here to patch him up.

When I come back out Alvarez is at the kitchen table leaning against the chair. Happy helps me get his cut and shirt off. I ask him to apply pressure why I grab gloves and Happy asks him what happened and calls my dad.

"Some crazy bitch came in looking for her husband and I just happened to be there I asked her to sit down, she losts it and now I'm here." He tells us, he only comes up monthly to pick up the payout from Diosa.

I'm in the middle of stitching his shoulder when my dad and Tig come in asking what happened. Now that Tara's gone I've been learning how to play doctor with the help of the internet.

"Looks good babydoll, add another stitch there." Dad says pointing. Tig and Happy are talking with Alvarez. Dad comments here and there while watching me.

"Thank you, she your new doc?" Alvarez asks.

"She's working on it. Happy and I are trying to get her to take some classes maybe get her out of the garage. Would be good to have her around the lot if I can't be there." Dad says to him, Happy nodding behind him. I go over to the sink to wash my hands after throwing all the garbage away.

"I said I was thinking about it, wouldnt hurt to have trained hands around. Dad your not exactly a professional half the time your hoping they dont bleed out." I tell them and direct the last part at dad. They laugh at me.

"Oh princess I'd love to have you patch up my ass, I am due for something been awhile." Tig says causing Happy to growl at him but he puts his hands up surrendering.

"Gross Tig." I say before fake gagging. I go over to the stove to finish dinner asking if anyone's hungry, Alvarez says he'll eat a little but can't stay long his woman's waiting for him.

Happy grabs a folded chair from the closet and sits it next to me. We all joke around and before long they get talking about business. I finish and get up grabbing everyone's plate taking them to the sink.

"Thanks for dinner I gotta get going before I end up on the couch. Thanks again for the patch job doc." Alvarez says to me and I tell him I'll walk him out while I dry my hands on the towel at the stove.

"Call if you need to alright, I'll come to Oakland if I need to. Been awhile since I seen the wife. Has there been any news?" I whisper the last part. Happy and I have done a couple dinners with Alvarez and his wife when Hap had work that way.

"Yeah, my Yuma pres called me just before I got shot and told me he popped up. Nothing to worry about, I'm going to ride that way and check on things. I'll keep you in the loop." Alvarez says to me, he gives me a half hug before walking out the door.

A couple weeks ago Alvarez called me letting me know Manny had dropped of the radar and to keep an eye out. I didn't end up saying anything to Happy because he would have ended up on the hunt. He had some shit going on with his Ma so I didn't want to stress him out with Manny bullshit.

Dad and Tig walk over to the door telling me they're headed out. They both kiss my head before walking out. I tell them I'll see them in the morning at the lot.

Clubhouse rebuild will be done tomorrow so I want to be there for it. We ended up getting JT's bike back from the accident so dad, Happy, Tig, and I did the rebuild on it so it can go back in the clubhouse front and center right outside of where the new church will be. You will literally walk threw the door and it's the first thing you see.

Jax would have loved it and Happy did some air brush work on it with some of the members names on it. Happy and I are the only ones that know so as soon as we get the okay to go in, Happy and I will show the guys at the opening party.

Give me a reason to stay...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora