Chapter Eight

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I walk out of the garage to see Jax come thru the gate with ATF agent Stahl not far behind I stand next to Tara holding her arm. This is it the guys are going away. I watch as she ask for him to be handed over and see Jimmy being pulled from the trunk of Tara's car. Then Stahl tells everyone that Jax was a rat. Everyone tries to jump after Jackson, Gemma tries getting involved but I pull her back wrapping my arms around her. I never thought I could hate Jax but I do almost as much as I hate Jimmy. I look around pulling Gemma over to Tara and Lyla.

Tara runs after Jax as he's pulled away and I lean into Gemma when I see the agents pulling my family away. Stahl hands a folder to Lowen and walks away with smile on her face. They load Jax first, then Happy, Tig, Clay, Bobby, and lastly Juice. I stand in front of the door Happy nods at me right before they close the doors. I have Lyla help me get Gemma inside the clubhouse. The rest of the guys head out.

I look up at the screen behind the bar and see the guys pull in. Some of the croweaters standing behind the bar step into action. I lift my glass up they ignore me so I stand up and reach over the bar to grab a bottle dad puts an arm around me and tells me it's done. I look at him with a question look he tell me he'll explain over a drink.


Fourteen months later and my birthday next week thing couldn't be better. Garage has been busy and the guys come home tomorrow. So a couple days after they were picked up dad explained shit to Gemma and I about how it was a whole plan and that Jimmy was dead at the hands of him, and Opie got Stahl. Lyla and Ope are getting married tomorrow night after the guys are all home. Tara had Thomas so Jax will finally be holding him. I got over hating Jax when dad filled me in but was still mad he didn't tell me, we tell each other everything. Manny had popped back up and we've been seeing each other again we'll see how it goes though.


The van and bikes pulled in while I was smoking at the picnic table since they've been gone I've developed a heavier drinking problem and started smoking. I got up taking one more hit before walking to the garage. Jax had Tara and the boys to run too, Clay had Gemma, and the rest of the guys had the other guys to catch up with. Manny road in thru the back gate he pulls up in front of the garage. He kisses me and then we turn around to see everyone walk over to everyone. Happy looks over and shakes his head before bro hugging my dad.

"Guessing he's still mad?" Manny leans over to me and laughs. I shrug and turn around to get back to work. Manny sat on the bar stool behind me handing me the tools I needed. I was changing the starter when Gemma came out and asked Manny if she could have a minute, he got up and walked towards his bike right outside the door.

"Not gonna come see the guys?" I just shook my head at her and continued putting the new starter in.

"They've been asking about you. Guys wanna see you princess. After your done head home and get cleaned up for the wedding. He coming with?" I look as she nods to Manny.

"He hasn't given me an answer so I doubt it, which is fine I guess I don't want problems starting at the wedding because I'm an idiot. I'm sure some of the guys aren't very happy with me." I say to her as I tighten the last nut down.

"No pun intend?" She jokes about me using the word happy. I just ignore her and she tells she'll see me later and too call if plans change. I finish with the starter and close the hood, I wipe my hands and grab my bag making my way to the door. I hit the button to wall that closes the garage and hop over the sensor. Manny lets me know he's going to head out and I'll see him tomorrow which lets me know he's not coming tonight. He leans into me and kiss me but I move back so he kisses my head before getting on his bike.

After I went home and got ready I headed to the wedding it took me longer to get ready then I thought it would so I got there right before Lyla was walking down the isle. I laughed as the guys join in when Ope said "and ride you as much as I ride my Harley." As soon as they kissed I got up and went straight to the open bar asking for a double.

"There she is, we missed you at the welcome home wagon. Work to important princess?" Tig says to me before pulling me into a side hug causing me to almost fall off my stool. I laugh at him and Bobby stands on the other side of me.

"Manny again?" I go to get up not caring to listen to them and have them ruin my buzz. I ask the bartender for another double and a beer. Bobby tells me he'll drop it for now but we are going to talk about it. The bartender sets my drinks down I got the shot lifting it then tapping the bar before taking the shot. I sip on my beer when I ask for another double, he tells me its my last one then I bat my lashes asking for at least another beer too then, he grabs that and my double. Happy's been sitting at the other end of the bar all night but won't say anything to me.

I finish my double and the second beer that I batted my lashes for and walked away heading for the bathroom, as I'm washing my hands, I hear Gemma and Clay arguing. I walk out the door trying to walk as normal as possible I make it too my Tahoe and open the door. I climb in slowly starting to regret the lift I put on it. I start it and back out. I pull down towards the gate of the property. I pull out on the main road and start driving home.

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