Chapter Twenty

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Eight months into this pregnancy and I couldn't be more excited. Happy and I have been working on Little Man's nursery. Club has been pretty quiet up until a couple of days ago when Alvarez called asking for the sons help and they've been gone for three days. Happy and dad refused to leave me alone so I've had two prospects following me around.

It's Saturday so I'm not working in the garage today, Happy said as soon as I hit eight and half months I'm done working. Which is fine this little guy loves to sit in my back so I'm sore as shit by the end of the work day anyways it will be a good break before he comes. Mom and Kerrianne have flights booked right around my due date they are bringing Trinity with them so im super excited to see them.


I'm hanging up the last bit of clothes I washed for little man when there's a knock at the door both prospect are downstairs watching tv they will get it. I hear gunshots and hide in the closet the door closed.

I pull my phone out but drop it from my hands because my hands are shaking so bad. I pick it up and dial Happy's number it only rings once before he answers.

"Happy someone's in the house." He asks me to put my phone on silent so it doesn't go off and to stay quiet telling me they just stopped off for gas they are forty-five minutes out of charming and he's on his way.

I can hear whoever it is climbing the stairs they walk to my room then the bathroom then come into the nursery and right over to the closet opening the door I see Manny.

"Manny." Is all I say before he grabs my phone and hangs up on Happy. He puts his hand out for me to grab but I don't move.

"Ashlynn I'm not here to hurt you. I need you to come with me." I refuse to look at him, I don't move. I see someone behind him and it's Alvarez.

"Marcus why?" He tells me it's not what it looks like and that Manny is here to help. I stand up slowly not taking the hand Manny still has out. I put my hands on my bump and walk past him.

"We need to move slowly. They are in the basement. I've already called Chibs with the location of the safe house. Ashlynn come on." Alvarez says to me I grab his hand, he tells Manny to go ahead of us and see if anyone will be in our way when we try to leave.

"Pres were good but we need to go now." Manny whispers to Alvarez. We make our way down the stairs slowly and Manny blocks the stairs that leads to the basement so Alvarez and I can go past.

I look at the doorway and couch I see Tommy and Fin they're both dead. Alvarez grabs my keys out of the key holder next to the door and walks me out the door. Tommy and Fin have only been prospects for about four months Happy and Tig were their sponsors.

He walks me to the passenger side of jeep and opens the door for me to get in the back seat. I climb in and look out the back window. I see a car and four bikes, two bikes are Tommy and Fin's. I put one hand on my bump and the other over my face. Manny climbs in the driver's seat and Alvarez gets in seating in front of me.

Manny slams on the gas speeding away from my house. Alvarez turns around to face me he reaches for the hand that's on my bump and I pull the one from my face and place it over his.

"I'm so sorry this is happening but I will get you to Happy." Alvarez says before squeezing my hand and turning around. He starts talking to Manny and I zone out and put both hands on my bump telling little man were going to be alright.

I stare out the window not wanting to look at Manny. Alvarez turns around to me again so I look at him.

"I know you don't understand I can explain now or wait til we get to the safe house." I tell him I want to know now.

"Some of my Mayan guys turned on us when I asked the sons for help with that problem a couple days ago. So they are going after loved ones. Sons had already headed back when I found out so I came straight to yours and Happys place." He says to me.

"And him?" I nod at the back of Manny's head.

"He was with me when I asked the sons for help." Alvarez says.

"And Hap didn't kill him? Interesting." Is all I say before looking back out the window and rub my bump. Alvarez turns around.

We drove for another ten minutes before Manny pulled into a driveway and waits for the garage door to open before pulling in. I see the guys next to there bikes. As soon as Manny parks I jump out running over to Happy from the garage.

"Your okay little one, your both okay, we're okay." Happy says before kissing me and then my bump. He wraps his arms around me.

"Aye you wanna tell me why my daughter and grandson are involved in your internal beef?" Dad says walking over to Alvarez with Tig right behind him. Happy slides his body around him so I'm now behind him he keeps one of his hands on my bump.

"Some of my guys were pissed I involved the sons saying we could handle it if we would just pull all the charters but you guys were closer. So the guys that were pissed went against me. Happy being the only one to have someone at home they sent some that way. When I heard about it you guys were on the road already so I grabbed Manny and told him to ride with me." Happy growls at Manny's name I grab his arm to get his attention.

"When we got there they already gunned down your prospects and were searching the house. We found Ashlynn and got out of there." Alvarez finishes telling them.

Manny goes to step forward and Happy pushes me further behind him and tells him not to make another move.

"We just did a job together man and now that she's around you gonna at like that? Come on now." Manny says to Happy.

"I did that job out of the respect I have for my pres and yours, had I known you'd be there I would have asked Chibs to send someone else. You and me we ain't cool man. You hurt my old lady, you took something from her, something that she won't ever get back." Happy says at him and Manny puts his hands up backing away behind Alvarez. Happy steps towards Manny.

"Because of the respect I have for her and your pres is the only reason you ain't dead." Happy says inches from Manny. Dad and Tig walk up and pull Happy back.

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