12: Lying to myself

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The smell of coffee reached my nose and slowly I started to wake up. I tried stretching my body, but a pair of arms wrapped around me preventing me from doing so. I pulled out my hand from under the bed sheets and rubbed my eyes, glancing over at Jimin who laid peacefully with closed eyes next to me. 

He was sleeping. His lips were pouted and a small wrinkle in between his eyebrow had formed. I brought my hand to his forehead and placed my thumb between his brows and caressed it gently, making the wrinkle disappear. I smiled looking at his adorable face, yet I felt something clench my heart.

I had chosen to ignore the threats. Maybe they were empty threats, maybe not. I was still scared—frightened—but I was more scared of losing the person that had meant the most to me recently.

Somehow, despite all the chaos inside my mind, I felt at ease when I was with Jimin. Waking up in his bed, having his arms around me and his scent enveloping my existence, I felt safe with him.

But I also knew that if any of us were in danger, it was him. And I hated to bring him in that position. I swore to myself I was going to find out who this person was, and as soon as I did, I would report them to the police.

I felt the presence next to me move and I looked back up at Jimin's face. Our eyes met, his drowsy and only slightly awake. His arms around me squeezed me in tighter, making me almost feel out of breath.

"You're awake already?" Jimin muttered.

One of his hands slid up my back and reached the top of my head, entangling his fingers in my hair.

I hummed, digging my head into the crook of his neck. I loved that me made me feel so safe and secure.

We laid for a while like that, snuggling into each other and enjoying each others presence. 

Jimin moaned as his arms let go of me and he turned to lay on his back, stretching his body. His head fell to the side, looking at me and I looked back at him.

I never knew what word to use to describe him in the morning. His hair laid messily and his eyes were squinted, he looked sexy. His lips were usually pouted and his cheeks puffy, he looked cute. His facial features were perfect and I couldn't help but adore the handsome boy in front of me. My boyfriend.

"Did you make coffee?" Jimin spoke and sat up in the bed, leaning against the headboard.

I shook my head as a reply.

"Must be Hoseok then, I thought he had work early morning though." He muttered to himself.

He moved towards the edge of the bed looking as if he was about to get out of it.

I grabbed his hand and he halted his motions, looking back at me.

"You told me you don't have any plans before noon." I voiced.

"I don't." He agreed, a smile finding his lips, "You want me to stay?"

I nodded, pulling on his hand, making him fall onto the bed again. We both chuckled and Jimin cuddled up under the bed sheets again.

"Cuddle me." I demanded, scooting closer to his body as he was almost at the edge of his king sized bed. I always thought that his oversized bed matched his ego.

Jimin hummed and pulled me into his bare chest, placing his chin on the top of my head. The best feeling was being surrounded by his scent and enveloped in his arms.

Morning turned into noon, which turned to early afternoon and Jimin had to go to the dance studio. I went home and as afternoon turned to evening, I met up with my friends for another dinner and drinks night.

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