The voice / toxic talent

Start from the beginning

"Great, get her."


"So Finster makes a call and now they're sending over this wacko music teacher who tortures kids until they sing." Mikey finished explaining to the gang what had happened when prickly and Finster took him to the office. "Oh it's horrible you guys, just horrible."

"But I don't get it, you sing great. I heard you once in the bathroom." Said TJ.

"Oh sure, in the bathroom, anyone can sing in the bathroom. But when I'm out here in front of people, I'm almost as bad as Spinelli."

"Watch it, pal, or you'll be hitting a new octave." Spinelli threatened.

"Now, now, calm down Spinelli." Said Dede as she lowered Spinelli's raised fist.

"But they're not going to make a fool out of me." Said Mikey as he ignored the threat thrown at him. "No matter who this music teacher is, no matter how mean, no matter how nasty. They're not going to get me to sing. Not no way, not no how."

"Excuse me." A new voice called making the group look over to see a beautiful woman standing behind them. "Which one of you kids is Mikey?"

"Uh, I am."

"Nice to meet you, Mikey. Im miss Salamone. I'm going to be your music teacher."

"We'll hold her off if you want to make a run for it." Spinelli whispered to Mikey but he just gently moved her aside shaking his head 'no'.

"Shall we go to the music room?" Miss Salamone asked walking up the stairs to go into the school, with Mikey following behind her.

"Yep, he's a tough nut to crack, all right." Said Vince. With that the remaining six walked away to go and play a big game of catch, though it wasn't long before all the kids were distracted by mikey's beautiful voice singing 'Ave Maria', upside down girl fell from her bar, the ball TJ threw hit Vince on his chest, even king Bob was surprised.

"It's like breathing for the soul." King Bob said in awe. Over the following week mikeys voice could be heard singing all sorts of different songs making all the kids become fans of him, so much so that when Mikey walked out to enjoy recess one day they all swarmed him wanting an autograph.

"Gee, Mikey, you're quite the celebrity." Said Gretchen as the six were standing nearby, Spinelli and Dede were both enjoying a soda each.

"You know, all these years I never thought I was good at anything, but now thanks to Miss Salamone I realise I do have a talent."
Mikey said as the group started walking.

"She must be one great teacher." Said Gus

"She is you guys. She's kind and beautiful and smart and I love her."  This cause the others to stop walking and Spinelli and Dede to spit out what they were drinking, before they all looked at each other and ran after Mikey.

"Perhaps we were mistaken Mikey, but....we thought you just said you loved miss Salamone?" Asked Gretchen.

"I do, and she loves me, too." Mikey looked back at them smiling.

"Come on man, you're only nine." Said Vince.

"Yeah and she's old, really old. She's got to be at least twenty four." Said Gus.

"Right, she'll be leaving tomorrow after the spring fling anyway." Said Dede trying to make him see reason.

"Oh, you guys just don't get it. I love Miss Salamone and she loves me and I'll prove it to you." Mikey then ran away to go to find Miss Salamone.

"Wait, Mikey—" Dede tried to stop him but was cut off by her bracelet going off. "Oh no...I gotta go." Dede then ran off to go so her galactic duties.

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