💖Reading their mind🌧

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Reading Kokichi is something I love to do. If it was even a flinch in his body, a slight pupil dilation, or his posture softening, I notice. Throughout our school life, it remained the same. Concealed.

When you yell or scream at anyone, they crack. Some would have teary eyes, anger throughout their face, people get defensive and position their feet, voice rising and hands trembling. Even the most calm and collected hold a crease between their brows, lips tightening.

Kokichi would do the opposite. Hid face would to totally blank, as if his mind checked itself out and he'd smile, seeing the other people suffer or even scream at him. When a hand would reach, he'd flinch but never once did his face change.

I'd notice that sometimes, he'd chuckle or laugh to himself when that happened. Like a tensed up bundle of paper, ready to tear.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, the second class ended. He seemed to have something happen in last period, but I couldn't figure out why.

...we were dating, so it only made sense for me to know. I worked hard to try and open up each wound through him, every small pattern and detail throughout. But even then... he wouldn't let me.

"Whatdda mean? I'm just about to head to my next class." He grinned to me, grabbing his bag and placing it on his shoulders in a quick manner, as if he was in a hurry to leave. I scanned over how his bottom lip was creasing, a small giggle leaving him.

"Gotta go, Shu. I'll see ya at lunch!"

I...knew something was wrong. But I couldn't come up with a why. He scurried out of class before I could respond, and I felt worse that I couldn't help.

"I don't want to. Let's skip." I added before he left the door, hand over the edge and turning slowly.

"...you, skip? Where?" He hummed, not meeting my eyes. I knew he didn't want to.

But that was okay. I know I should give him space... but curiosity killed me.

"The rooftop. Just with me." I thought up, handing him a small hairclip I found on the teachers desk, ready to lockpick our way to the top, hiding from everybody else.

On my mind, nobody else mattered. Of course, in any other situation, sure. But at the point, I could feel the bubble about to burst in Kokichi.

He grabbed the clip, avoiding my touch. His palm was sweaty, as if he was clenching. "Hmmm, I don't think so."

"It's important."

"Yeesh, fine!" He announced, walking towards the stairways, climbing up to the top and reaching for the lock. I placed my hand over his shoulder, seeing him flinch.

"Your hands are cold." He lied, pretending I didn't see that. I placed my palm to his face, and he moved away.

Clearly, he didn't want anybody to touch him. But why? Why won't he tell me, why does he have to lie?

Once we made our way to the rooftop, I put down my bag and sat down, hearing him slump over and hug his knees. When I glanced over, he was grinning wider then ever.

"Yknow what's funny?"

"I'm sure it's not. Just tell me...what's wrong." I attempted to help, now realizing.

When things got tough or even abusive, he'd find it funny. He'd laugh and grin, rolling his eyes and scoffing before it all. Like he had been used to it all before.

"Nothings wrong. I'm not a weakling, Shuichi. I'm a Supreme leader."

He held his body closer, frowning a bit at my "assumption". I only sighed, wanting to reach out more.

"I studied you, and now your getting defensive. Ah, I'm sorry... I'm just worried about you. Please tell me." I realized my tone was...professional. being his boyfriend, I had to be more heartfelt.

We both have things to work out on.

Kokichi scratched his ruffled hair, stretching his legs out and fiddling with his fingers. "Well, my class sucked. Thats all. Not last period, but even the ones before. Some people found out I'm gay, and they're being.. you know."

My stomach dropped, his laugh coming out. His throat bobbed a bit as he laid his head on the wall we leaned on, eyes shut.

"Are you okay? I know it's tough. I'm sorry that happened- if you want to break up it's okay. You don't deserve to be bullied like that."

Kokichi seemed insulted, glaring at me. "But today you were complaining about your head hurting and all, how are YOU?"

"Are you mad?" I asked innocently, he also had a habit of glaring at me. Sometimes it's because he's hungry, confused, or he just does it for a joke. This time, his face slumped and I held my arms out.

How embarrassing. I'm not so good with touch, but a hug..

Kokichi's shoulders raised a bit, awkwardly moving towards me as if he was about to jump into fire. The second he landed, his frame shook a little.

"You can cry. I'm sorry for complaining, I didn't know how you felt until now. I should of caught on sooner...I also should of stood up for you." I kissed his head, hugging him tighter. He sighed into me, before his mask flew off.

My shirt became soaked as he gripped harder, avoiding my face. I wanted to see him, but his pride wouldn't let me. I allowed it, letting him sob onto me and patting his hair, seeing all the ways his body would fold and clench to my newfound touch, feeling over his back and massaging him.

He cried for a while. Before he finally pulled off, the eyes puffed and red. Wiping his nose, he stayed quiet.

"I love you." I said, but it was wordless as I knew he felt it. I kissed his face, all my shy nature evaporating as I knew he'd be with me.

We stayed on that roof until lunch ended. He explained that he didn't want to feel like a weakling just by a little yelling and bullying, but I assured him that I'd too, burst into tears. I also assured him I'd try to investigate the people doing this, and protect him best I could.

Kokichi's body finally slumped as that small mouthed smile went on him, a shaky giggle as he tried to breathe. When we left, he had his arm around me. A few people tried to talk, but I covered my hand over his face. Eventually they went away.

Today, I learned a new thing about Kokichi. I wrote it down on my notebook, and it went a little something like this.

"Watch his smile, as body is the truest thing to feelings." And I assured him that I'd love him forever, even if he got my clothes messy and would toy around with me so much that I'd loose it.

I finally found something new to protect.
And it finally let me protect him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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