
Start from the beginning

I threw the hoodie over my head and quickly put on the on something new. I didn't notice Eric getting a towel before he kneeled at my height because I was sitting on the bed. He rubbed my hair slightly and I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Now you're all finished." He said and stood up again.

There was a knock on the door and we both made our way outside. I sat down on the couch cross-legged.

"Hey, bro! Nice that you invited us over!" I heard Lukes's voice and then everyone else entered. To my regret also Tris with my brother. Peter sat beside me and I was happy that he was there.

"My family said you have to come to the next family meeting. And also my sister said you are more beautiful than me. Which I denied because who can be more beautiful than me?" He said proudly showing his face and I chuckled.

"Of course. I can never be as beautiful as you my dearest friend. You are charming." I said in an extreme British accent before everyone settled down.

"I know right?" He pulled me in and we stayed arm in arm. Seeing Tris looking at us like we're the devil himself. Well, I wouldn't say we weren't.

"So what are we doing now?" Uriah asked and Peter squealed.


"What's happening now?" Asked Uriah slightly confused and I think we all were confused about Peter.

"Where's my little goddess?" He asked looking all over the place because he knew Artemis didn't leave.

"She's sleeping if you didn't wake her up now." I rolled my eyes at him and he mocked a breast shot.

"I'm hurt. I think I'm gonna die before I even saw my godchild."

"Stop it, Peter!" I slapped him while we both were giggling.

"You let her stay here?" My brother interrupted and I looked at him like he was a stranger.

"She's staying where I want her. After all, she's my...sister."

"But why with Eric?" His voice was angry and in this second he stood up.

"He offered help and I didn't want her to stay with you and her !" As I said her I pointed to Tris disgusted.

"But with him !"

"It's my choice! I don't want to argue about this." I was short to slap him if he wouldn't shut up.

"I'm still your big brother."

"Yeah? Then tell me where you were the past 4 years when I needed you. Exactly you were here fucking women and now if you'd excuse me. I have to look after my little sister." I stood up not waiting for anyone to answer and limped into the bedroom while Tobias still stood there and Tris watched in surprise.

When I opened the door Artemis awaited me standing in the bed.

"Come here my darling!" I pulled her out of the crib and rocked a little with her to get her back to sleep.

Peter came in and looked at us both with adoration and I showed him to sit down.

"She looks like you just with blonde hair and locks but the nose and the eyes are yours." He said looking at Artemis.

"I'm sorry that I flipped out there but he thinks he's the boss even though he wasn't there when everything happened. And honestly, if I had the choice I would rather that Artemis didn't know who he is but my aunt didn't know what to do when he suddenly visited."

"I know my little Flower. Siblings are sometimes hard. Especially when you have someone like Four."

I noticed that Artemis was asleep and put her back in her crib before Peter and I walked outside again.

"I swear to god Tobias If I hear another stupid word out of your stupid mouth", I began as he opened his mouth, "I will stab you with a stupid butter knife"

Fast he closed his mouth because he knows I mean it when I threatened someone.

Peter and I sat down again and Eric handed us both a beer.

"So then. Let's play Candor or Dauntless." Marlene suggested and everyone was in.

"Luke! C or D?" Zeke asked the boy beside Eric.

"I think I'm gonna take Candor." He said and everyone booed.

So it went on and on till everyone was finally gone and I sat on the couch with Eric.

"You know the last time we'd end up here we had a pretty good night." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah and then I heard you had a girlfriend. Rember?" I smiled smugly.

"Emily was never really my girlfriend. And honestly, I was happy to have a reason to break up with her." He leaned in closer to me.

It was just inches that parted us.

"I really wanna refresh my memory of what it felt like to kiss you."

"Well, you're not gonna get that," I said and stood up. Eric was shocked but grinned a bit as I walked to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth with the spare brush and combed my hair. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and arms around my waist.

"Eric. You don't get what you want. Now let me get ready." I shook my head while I tried to braid my hair.

"I know you're just so warm!" He muffled in my neck tickling me.

"Eric. You're making my decision very hard." Now I felt hotter than before and I think my whole face was red.

I felt small kisses traveling up my neck to behind my ear.

I let out a small moan and then I realized.

"I'm not gonna give in Eric." I turned around to him with a smirk and then pushed him a bit away so I can make my way to the bedroom.

"You're annoying!" I heard him yell after me and I chuckled.

I instantly fell on the bed and closed my eyes. When Eric was done he came into bed too and pulled me close to his bare chest.

Again this day my cheeks heated up and I would've been embarrassed if it wasn't dark but luckily it was. The only thing shining through was the moon.

"Buenas noches diosa." I heard him say and smiled slightly.

"Buenas noches mi caballero.." I whispered before I drifted off to sleep.

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[Edited: 22 January 2023]

Please tell me if you see any grammatical or spelling errors!

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