Some Other Voice

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Soft pattering against the window sill can be heard as tears run down from the clouds. The sky was dark, but the atmosphere was even darker. Donatello sat at your bedside, both his hands holding onto your dearly. You haven't said or made any noise for the last few hours and his stomach is churning itself as the seconds go on. His left hand was kept below your palm, constantly feeling for your pulse. His eyes go back and forth between your hand and your face, looking for some type of reaction, just something. 

On the nightstand next to him was a plate of food, prepared by your sister. He was supposed to be feeding you, but he didn't exactly want to pull you out of your very much needed rest. You've been through a lot, and you've basically lost a lot. He wanted to make sure you're okay by giving you the time to recover. But slowly, he is feeling the urge to just go for it and wake you up. He knows it's irrational, but it was just an instinct, an instinct he's trying to just simmer down for a while more. 

His eyes immediately flickered towards you when you let out a small cough, using your free hand to cover your mouth. He released his hands from yours and immediately started to help you sit upwards, patting your back as a means to comfort you. He grabbed you a cup of milk from the nightstand and pressed it against your palm so that you'd feel it. You felt the glass against your skin, looking down to where you think it might be. 

"You need fluids in your body, you might be dehydrated." His voice was stern, but soft at the same time. Maybe it was because he was trying to convince himself more than he was convincing you. You took the glass in your hands and slowly brought it up to your face to chug the cup down. Don out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, a wave of relief hitting him as you tried to hand him back the cup. 

He took the cup and set it aside, his eyes landing on the plate of sustenance at the end table. He looked back at you and held your shoulders, with a soft and low tone asking, "Do you want to eat? Your sister prepared something for you." His voice grew quieter, as if he's afraid he might scare you, like there's something he should fear. But your head turned to the direction of his voice and gave him a small nod, agreeing to his offer. He sat at your bedside, grabbing the dish from the nightstand and turned to your sitting figure. 

He scooped a small bit of the dish, bringing it up to level with your mouth. He requested for you to open your mouth with a simple note, like a dentist would when they want you to open your mouth. He thought that he could just foreshorten the request, and this would make it easier for you so that you don't have to continuously hear him repeating the same phrase as he feeds you. You giggled a meager bit, before imitating the small 'ahh' as you opened your mouth and chomped on the spoon as he fed you. Donatello's eyes widen as his cheeks flush a different shade, letting the spoon hover just in front of your face as he tries to recollect himself. 

It's always the goddamn little things. Donatello thought to himself, dragging his face down with hand, trying to snap himself out. He tried to keep his composure as he continued feeding you, you need your sustenance. But that just gives him some time to think to himself. You're somehow still fucking giggling although you've gone blind, just because he was trying to get you to open your mouth by your own accord. You brighten up over the littlest things, and when he thinks about it, he does too. Goddamnit, he's smiling right now just thinking about your cheerful self. 

He let out a small sigh as you took the final bite, he gave you a firm pat on the shoulder. "I'm going to discard the leftovers away, so be patient, alright?" You placed your hand over his, giving him a hum of approval. He pulled his hand back and took the plate and cup as he walked out of the room and towards the kitchen. 

The silence slowly fills the room as you no longer felt his presence. Darkness slowly gripping on to your hands and forcefully tugging against you. You tried to keep yourself calm, taking a deep breath in and out as you waited for Donnie. He's just putting plates away, it shouldn't take him long. You thought to yourself, gripping your eyes shut close. It may not do much, but it gives you a sense of something you can control. Like a small barrier that keeps them away. Voices slowly start ringing everywhere, but you don't recognise any of them. 

They were calling out your name, their tone distressed and panicked, you weren't sure why. But there was one voice that stood out, and it wasn't Donnie's. The voice sounded so familiar, yet so distant. You couldn't point a finger at it. But it was far more terrifying when the voice was completely clear, crystal clear. You couldn't hear anything before but now you could hear their voice, her voice more specifically. 

"Why hello there, grand-daughter~ Miss grammy?"

Okay so like, very short chapter but IM BACK BABY!!!!

I actually forgot how I wrote this Y/N and had to do a reread. I wrote this at fucking 2022 and I can already feel the cringe bluegh ah ew. But it was made very worth while by those leaving the silly goofy comments whenever they can.

I'm sorry for going on hiatus an suh for a very long time, but I'm bacl from my writing courses and lessons so let's hope that it pays of somewhere. I'll try to keep the schedule constant by posting only every Saturday. But Wattpad gets and early one  ,';)

Anyways, thank you for the big support that you guys showed throughout the development of this story. It reached 100K VIEWS CAN YOU IMAGINE?! WHILE I WAS AWAY. I am so proud of this little snippet I made and I hope you guys enjoyed as much as I did.

Andways, it's midnight tops when I posted this, so I'm gonna go get some rest. Peace.

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now