New Enemy

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“Have you guys seen Y/N?!” The eldest of them all shouted, her sister was running around looking for her but she had found nothing. 

“Oh, she was in the bathroom.” GD answered, still munching on that ice cream cone he was given. The concern on Reika’s face only grew after she heard the comment. “No, she’s not. I checked multiple times!” Her voice shattered on the last bit. She walked back and forth to try and calm herself down, not only did it not work, it’s also worrying the others.

April ran inside the bathroom to double check, maybe penta check. She busted down every stall there is, but the results were fruitless. “She’s not there.” April said to everyone, now worrying GD. His grip on that small cone hardens, making it snap in half. ‘

She was just there, you guys must be joking. Right?’

Unfortunately, they weren’t. Y/N has in fact disappeared. Everyone was in panic, but it was the hardest for Reika and GD. A big sister that lost her only younger sister, and a boy losing his lover. Tragedy commenced.

Neon suggested, “What if she just roamed without anyone knowing? You know, just for fun?”. He tried to make it sound like a positive thing, after all, who just disappears into thin air out of nowhere? “Why don’t we split up and look for her?” Everyone thought of it, when Reika fell to her knees. 

“She’s not here anymore……” Her voice rumbles as she finishes her line. Everyone looked at her confused, what did she mean by that? Reika lifts her hand, putting them to motion to form some type of spell. GD recognizes that spell from that one session with Big Mama, it was a synergy spell.It did nothing for him, but it did something for her.

Tears pricked the sister’s eyes as she stood up in rage, she muttered, “That bitch.” She opened her purse and she pulled out a relic of some sort, it was a purple crystal. GD finds it similar, it looks like the crystal he took from Draxum those years ago. He pulled the crystal out of his goggle’s side, and he examined it. 

“You have one too?” Reika asked, GD nodded to her question. “Then scan the area, will you? Look for any heavy dark mystic magic.” GD complied, equipping his goggles, he began to work. Scanning around, the others waited for results. Big Red called his parents, informing them that they’ll be home later than expected. They’ve got a person’s life on the line. 

“Wait wait wait, what’s going on here?” April asked Reika, it looks like at least she knows something. Reika sighed and placed her crystal down. She told everyone to gather around, and everyone needed to be quick about it. 

“I suspected that it’s our grandmother from my mother's side. She has always despised me and Dibble, but my little sister was more of a target. Her synergy is unexplored, while mine had already bloomed. That means her synergy can be used to abuse mystic energy at the risk of her own life. When we find that bitch we call our grandma, I want you all of you to go ham, no mercy. Got it?”

Her words were stern, but everyone agreed. This is their friend after all, who wouldn’t beat the shit out of an abuser? The two crystal users continued doing their thing, while the others came up with a plan. 

Reika’s crystal shines with high intensity as she enters the girl’s bathroom, calling to everyone to get in as well. But no one did, only April. The girls look back to see all the boys, just stopping at the door frame. Irritation grows again.

“Sorry, but we’re boys. Not girls.”

“Why the fuck would that matter?! Get in here!” April shouted, making all the boys rush in. GD wrote down a note and pasted it on the door before locking it from the inside. ‘Out of order.’ the note says. 

Reika starts chanting a spell, and she was unresponsive in doing so. The others discussed the plan again, but GD wasn't listening enough. He was blaming himself for not realizing anything happened, she was the last person he saw, how did he let a witch get her so easily? He started to space out, he needs to fix this, he is responsi-

“Don, you got that?” Raph’s words snapped him out of his trance. He nodded, albeit that he barely listened to anything. They all looked back to see that Reika had opened a portal, it was similar to Neon’s portal but different hue of color. She was panting as she directed everyone to enter. She placed her finger against her lips, telling everyone to keep their voices low. They can be a victim as well, especially April. 

The other side of the portal was dark, from the atmosphere itself it looked like the Hidden City. The room was large, walls were filled with relics and potion bottles. Old crooked paintings were scattered on the floors and walls, but at the center of it all was a figure. The figure could’ve been more than fifteen feet tall, with a round body shape. 

“Kinda looks like Big Mama, but bigger.” Neon whispers, earning himself irritated glares. Raph made a zipping motion close to his mouth, repeating once again that Neon needs to stay quiet. They watched over the looming figure, Raphael doing a headcount to make sure the plan could go on smoothly. But one was missing, he re-counted again, still one was missing. 

A loud giggle echoed throughout the room, the giant figure turned around, revealing herself. It in fact does look like a bigger version of Big Mama, but with a far more intricate pattern on her thorax. The big spider yokai walked away from her original spot and walked into another room. 

The others look towards the giant table in front of them and they spotter Y/N being held on the air by webs. They also noticed that GD was trying to free her, everyone was shocked. How the hell did he get there so quickly? 

They wanted to let the plan initiate and charge along with GD, but the door creaked open again. The spider yokai walked in the room and shot a web clump towards GD. He was entangled in the mess, and he couldn’t escape. The others fear the same fate, so they decide to go with the plan. They roamed as shadows in every nook and cranny, looking for a way to get closer without announcing their presences.

“What do we have here? Another subject? Oooooh, this will be fun.” The large figure giggles as she collects vials, herbs, and other necessities for her ritual. GD struggled, trying to set himself free. He looks to his side to see that Y/N was unconscious at the moment. Her eyes are covered by the same fluid that binds him in place. Oh, the disgust shaking his veins as he noticed the lady was a giant spider. Blegghhhh.

His worry grows more as his dear beloved ‘friend’ was plucked from the web and engulfed in magic. The monster giggled once again, but this time it stopped. A flash of red had directed itself towards her, causing her to release the bundled up girl. GD blinked a few times to see that it’s his brother Rapahel, using his mystic powers to reform himself to her size. 

“Hey Don, need a little help?” A blue portal appears on GD’s side, coming through it was the turtle in blue. “What do you think, Nardo?” The tangled one replied, it was obvious he needed help. But as soon as he was entangled, he left flying with his jetpack to look for his ‘friend’.

But she had nowhere to be found, and it was difficult to just fly. Raphael in his giant form is fighting against a giant spider yokai, they're taking up so much space in the room. GD decided to use his goggles to track her mystic energy. Reika's and Y/N's are far different than the yokai energy, making it easier to track them with the crystal. 

He managed to locate Y/N, being huddled next to Reika on the ground. They were hiding, so he rushed towards them. It's all his fault, why did he think of taking that moment of peace? 

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