Pep Talk

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That voice.... 

That file....

It's the only thing that lingers now....

It's so soothing.... 

It's so charming.... 

It's stuck in my head.... 

Why do I keep hearing it...?

I'm laying on my bedside, phone on my hand, earphones on my sides. Why did I keep on listening to the log? It's not even present dates, it was from last month. But I can't stop listening. 

He sounds like an interesting person. He sounds smart too, most of his logs were talking about inventions. He is always making things in these logs. Is he a scientist? Inventor? He uses big words that even I don't know existed. Sometimes I even had to search it up. Sometimes, he explains what he was doing in detail. I'm never the learning person, but I feel like if he was teaching, I'd listen. 

It's almost time to wake up, I've been binging this 'recorded diary' all night. 

His voice is so soft and soothing, but it can sometimes sound harsh. Although I can't see him, I can feel his emotions through the recordings. Sometimes I heard weird noises, where ever he was, I can hear muffled laughter and music? April told me he had a brother, but it doesn't sound like one person. Does he have a big family? 

Whenever he's having a bad day, his voice would sound broken? He doesn't sound like a person who would cry, but who am I to tell? Sometimes I feel connected to him? Like I really want to comfort him, give him a hug, or maybe talk to him? 

I'm so confused. I keep asking myself these dumb questions about him, but I can't help myself. I'm getting so much mixed feelings now. How did I get myself into this?? 

One moment, I'm prying into April's secret 'friend', and now I'm getting confused over my own feeling!? He's just a voice goddammit!! Why am I like this...... 

I don't wanna ask April for help, what would she say about ME? 'Oh Y/N, you fell for him without even ever looking at him?! Silly you!' Ugh..... I hate my heart so much...... 

I need to break this habit.... But I'm really close to finishing the log.... But I can't keep messing my heart..... But it's so interesting..... 


oops, shouldn't have shouted... Now I'm pulling attention to myself. I can hear footsteps, aw man. I think mom or dad might've heard me. 

"Honey, are you ok? I heard you scream."

"Yes dad, I'm fine, I'm just not feeling okay."

"You wanna talk to your old man about it?"

"It's ok dad, it's just feelings."

"I've had feeling too, honey. C'mon, open the door. We can talk about it."

Dad is such a sweet man, no wonder mom married him. He's always willing to help, but he wouldn't understand what I'm going through. This is a teenager things, not an adult's things. 


But he would know, wouldn't he? He's gone through a lot too. Maybe... 




......I think I can talk to dad. 

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن