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SHUT the hell up, Donatello!! You're setting yourself up for heartbreak! 

You can't tell me what to do, Othello! You have no say in this! In fact, I'll just ask someone who would understand me. Oh Mind Raph!! 


Hey Donnie! You need any help? Mind Raph's got this. 

Umm yes, I seem to have acquired an affectionate admiration towards someone, but they're human. And I've said to myself a lot of times that I hate humans. What should I do? 

Hmm, well that's complicated. But how much do you adore them? If they're different from your perception of humans, then they're not humans. They're angels :)

Well, that is an illogical statement, but I agree. Thank you big bro. 

No probs, Donnie. Be home before curfew. 


Now that's settled, I've asked my brother and he approves. Nothing you can do about it. 

I genuinely give up on myself sometimes. You're lovestruck, Donatello. If you get heartbroken, you're weak. 

You're just jealous, Othello. Now hush, I've got a 'hang out' to partake in. 

"Are you tired?"

"Huh? No, I'm not. Quite the opposite actually. I've gotten used to smaller sleep schedules to maximize efficiency in my activities."

"That does not sound healthy. You could be sleep deprived, that is not a good thing."

"Oh don't worry about me, dear Y/N. I've optimized a perfect caffeine intake to help my body function normally."

"Caffeine? Isn't that gonna give you an addiction?"

"Jokes on you, I already have an addiction, haha!"

"That is not a good thing to be proud of! That's horrible, dude."

"I can help you get rid of that addiction! My cousin had a caffeine addiction once. I can help you!"

"My dear friend, I do not need help. I'm in incredible health."


"Put off your mask."


"Put it off."

"We-well. That's kinda invasive. We don't need to-"


"See? I knew it. You have bags under your eye."

"You should get more sleep. It's important."

As I blinked, she had somehow managed to catch me off guard. She bought her body closer to mine as she used her hands to lift my mask. Her chest hovered near mine, and I can feel my cheeks burn up. I don't think she noticed because she never moved her hands. She was inspecting me and I couldn't do anything about it. My body was frozen in place with shock and it was because of her gesture. I'm not sure how much time has passed, because it has felt like eternity. I just sat there, trying my best not to stare. I really didn't wanna stay in this position, but it's not like I despise it. I'm simply feeling like she's getting far too comfortable with me. We've only met twice, with time spent being sixteen hours, twenty-three minutes and 53 seconds. Our first encounter was time consuming since I was just there for no reason. 

And by the grace of Galileo, something has caught her attention. I couldn't care less of what did, but I'm simply grateful she's off of me. I looked back towards her to see that she had dropped an object. She sat back on the bed and had BENDED DOWNWARDS. WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK IS MY LUCK?! Was she always this explicit? 

No, Donatello. She's probably just oblivious and you find it as an excuse to start thinking nasty things! You're the creep! 

What?! No! I just find it so odd that she's moving so often! I'm not trying to find excuses! 

You. Weirdo! 

Agh! Assess it, Donatello. Asses. It. 

"W-what's wrong?"

"I kinda dropped my phone, no worries though. Anyways, back to your eyes."

My eyes?! 

"You have bags under them, that's a sign you haven't been sleeping well lately. Coffee will not help with those."

"Umm, well, I'm always wearing a mask. So it shouldn't be a problem at all. Besides-"

"You're not gonna wear it all the time. You're gonna have to eventually take it off."

"It won't matter, I wouldn't even be in public when I take my mask off."

"It'll just remind you of how miserable you are. My cousin had similar experiences, I know."

"He would feel gloomy everytime he looked in the mirror. Don't torture yourself like that"


"I guess, you have a point."

"I do. So, maybe the next time we meet I can pass you some of my homemade coffee! The caffeine contents are more diluted and it would help you transition your habits less and less. When are we gonna meet up?"


"You know, like another hang out! We can spend more time together! If you want to that is, I'm not one to force you to do things that you don't have a say in, I was just kinda hoping to know when so I can-"

"How about tomorrow? Same time?"

"R-really?! Oh great! I'll have a lot of the supplies ready by tomorrow."

"Ye-yeah, sounds nice."

This is it, Donatello. The start of a routine meet up. We can meet often to get to know each other. Or maybe we can text or something. Do I have her number? I'm sure I haven't really asked. But asking now will just make me sound desperate. Maybe I'll ask April, but no! She knows Y/N, she'll pester me about it for the next twelve thousand years! I'll either ask Y/N or let her give it to me herself. But by her memory span, she'll probably forget asking, or even prepare the supplies. She's not the brightest in the shed. And that 

"Umm, Y/N?"


"Do you wanna-"

"Em, do you think I could-uh"

"Maybe we can um, exchange-"

"Uh, y'know, phones?"

"Wait no, I meant phone numbers. Not the actual phone."

"I just kinda think it'll be more convenient with our schedules and all."

"Oh sure! You could've just straight up said it, y'know?"

"I'm not the best when it comes to asking."

"That's okay, anyway. Here's mine."

"O-oh, yeah thanks. Here's mine."

"Yey! Now we can keep in contact!"

"That sounds nice. chuckle."

"Did you just say 'chuckle'? Omg, that's so cute!!"

"Whu-no. It's just a habit!"


"No, be quiet! It's a force of habit!"

"That's adorable!!"

"No. It's not!!"

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now