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April was right, her friend does indeed have special needs. I wouldn't wanna mock her, but her mental stability tempts me sometimes. Her focus is way out of range and her words are incoherent. She stutters a lot and she can't seem to think straight. So what do I feel? She is simply not in my league and yet something is pulling me back to her. What happened when I was in her room that day? What am I looking for? 

Surprisingly she is lightweight, has she not gotten her needed supplements? Did she skip a few meals? Her skin is pale, and cold. She was not feinting when she mentioned she has been losing her grip on reality. 

I do agree that sometimes dreams are far better than reality, but reality holds more positive potential than dreams. Sure, it is scary, but when you earn something nice, it stays with you. Dreams are merely fabricated memories, whether they are nice or bad. They'll leave imprints on your mind, making you think that it was real. 

It has always been simple to identify which is a dream and which is reality. But for her to slowly lose sight of that border is concerning. Maybe there is something I can do to help her get back to reality. Her base temperature has been shifting very often. She was ice cold when I found her, but now she's coffee warm. I meant as she's as warm as how my coffee is in the morning, I didn't mean any weird thing that could possibly suggest-

Shut up, Othello. What is it with you and ranting in your own brain? Snap out of it, you have a girl in your hands. Speaking of which, I should get her in as soon as possible. My hands are getting weary. 

"And in we go, there. Feeling better?"

She did not respond to me in word, she simply nodded her head. Perhaps she's not comfortable with me carrying her, so I'll lay her on the bed. She would need some rest, after all, she still has a human life. Something I could only dream of. 

But as I'm trying to lay her down, I caught a small glimpse on her face. She was red, perhaps she has a fever? Her temperature would suggest so, but that isn't the only symptoms. She would not look at me back, however. She keeps averting her eyes elsewhere, pretty rude if you ask me. Who am I to judge though? I do not understand human feelings. I'm merely a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Nothing more. 

I laid her down on the bed, when I noticed our position at the moment. God fucking dammit, why didn't I see that? It looks like she's my bride or something. I wouldn't go that fast. 

I dropped her on the bed, fuck formalities. And I stood further from the bed, approximately five meters away. She didn't deny anything, she just lied there. I guess she noticed first. For a person with great intelligence, you Donatello, have such a slow reaction pace. If I'd noticed sooner, she probably wouldn't be uncomfortable. And now silence echoes in the room, and tension grows between the two of us. 

What should I say? I'm the one who made the situation worse, I should take initiative. But what should I even say? Although my vocabulary is extensive, I couldn't find the words to explain or say anything. My anxiety is slowly creeping up on me, just when I look cool. I mean come on! I carried her bridal style, that's gotta look badass. And I didn't trip or drop her when we were on the ladder, props to you, Donatello. Oh, I was amazing! Imagine how Leo would feel when I tell him that-

"Sorry about the silence, I was just in shock I guess."

"I mean, being carried one-handed over a ladder can be scary."

I'm sorry, what? Wait, why are you saying the first things?! It was supposed to be me! I was supposed to be the man here, come on! 

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Couldn't risk you tripping again."

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now