// Bitter Bite //

Start from the beginning

The past couple of weeks have been quiet, It makes my gut twist in fear. Toby doesn't come with Tim and Brian anymore to eat, the last time I've seen him since our little... investigation was at the B.P down the street.

All he did was glance at me, wave, and walk straight out of the store.

It's been three weeks.

I don't really remember that night, but maybe it's better if I don't. Brian's friend, Tim, is more open now and doesn't look at me like i've killed his whole family.

Mom hasn't talked, she has been absent.

I quicken my pace as my thoughts race, I hate this feeling. I guess, It's like Deja Vu, I hate alot.

But just not enough to protect myself.

The wind makes whistles erupt from the pines, they cat call me, forcing me to pick up to a jog.
The more I run, the more I fear for the smiling man behind me.

"Curiosity killed the cat!" I hear him laugh behind me, I tremble at his scratchy voice and continue to run. "YOU RUN FROM THOSE MASKS!" He shouts louder, it sounds as if he's in my head.

Something in me forces myself to turn around, to face my fear.

Expecting the harsh glare of two wide eyes, the scowl of a forever smile. My fingers twitch by my sides as I prepare to run, my ears listen for heavy breathing, my eyes are alert.

Slowly turning, I expect the smiling killer. But instead, I'm met with dead trees and snow flurries. I feel a weight lifted off of my chest, as if I can now breathe without having to worry about a knife being lodged into my ribcage.

"Am I going fuckin crazy?" I suddenly scoff, feeling the foolishness of paranoia wash away. Quickly, I turn back around and begin to sprint out of annoyance.

I run down the hill that is littered with snow and fallen trees, I jump over slippery rocks and hard moss. I rush just like the river that waits below for me, It hushes the wildlife so that only my movement fills it's liquid hearing.

My boots make imprints on the muddy snow below me, the snow soon turns to ice. The closer I approach the river, the harder the snow becomes.

"Is it already frozen?" I whisper to myself, scanning the forest floor below me, I spot a decent sized branch. Leaning forwards, I wrap my cold fingers around the hard bark and straighten my posture once more.

Taking a step forward, it is clear I'm on ice.

I lightly tap the ice with the stick, no dent.

Stepping forward, I repeat this process before I realize I'm already half way to the other side of the river. I freeze, staying calm as I take in the silence of the forest. The cold breeze brushes past me, the bit of water that rushes below the ice bumps up against my boots/shoes.

It's as if I'm in a movie, the clouded sky is just the beautiful with the tall pines.

Silence is beautiful.

"Hey! It's not safe to be out on the ice this early in winter!" I suddenly hear a man call behind me, making my heart skip a beat. I slowly turn, praying for it not to be the smiling man.

I don't recognize the man, from a distance I can tell he has pale skin and black hair. He wears one of those older black coats, I step forwards, trying to take in his appearance.

From experience, I've learned to be more cautious with random ass people in the woods, most of the time they never turn out to be good news.

He walks closer, onto the ice towards me.

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