Saving her

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Alejandro's pov

It had been a few days since they all left, turns out the afternoon I found them kissing Mischa left back to Russia, coward move but made me feel a bit more relaxed knowing I wouldn't run into her, Soap on the other hand, task force 141 one left the next morning, Soap wouldn't even look at me when we were saying goodbye, another coward, that night Rudy and I went to a bar and drank till the morning, we had quite the hungover the next morning but pulled through and went back to the base, it wasn't until I was alone that I realized how much I missed, how much I wanted to forgive her just so I could have her by my side, but I wouldn't.

3 days passed and I was doing okay, I was doing things around the base to keep my mind distracted, Rudy and I decided we would watch a movie later that night, once we got snacks and everything ready we sat down to watch blood in, blood out, we were half way through the movie when suddenly the front door opened, it was task force 141, "what are you guys doing here?" asked Rudy as Price placed his computer on the table and the others sat down "listen, we need your help, Mischa was sent on a mission in Russia to recover kids that got kidnapped by the same group that kidnapped her during one of her missions, she was presumed K.I.A when her captain didn't hear back from her but yesterday he received this video" said Price as he clicked the play button.

There was a girl tied in a chair, she was shirtless I immediately recognized her scars, it was Mischa, she had a cloth over her head, a women told a guy that she was with to remove it, she was unconscious "wake her up" she commanded and with that he took out a hot piece of iron and put it on her upper stomach "carajos" said Rudy as he covered his mouth, she woke up and let out a scream "captain, we have your solder, now state who you are" said the woman as the man put the hot iron on her back, she hold in a scream, she grunted "my name is Mischa Morozov, I'm 24 years old, I was born in Russia 8 of August, my mom is nurse,my dad is a farmer, corn he grows corn, my moms name is Lisa my father is Igor, I had a sister, she was killed, after that my parents didn't want to know anything about me, they blamed me, I've barely lived, I fell in love with someone but had to lie because I knew I wasn't going to make it back, probably by the time he sees this i'll be dead, I'm sorry Alejandro" she said as they hit her twice knocking her out "captain, you want your solder back, better find her in time" said the woman as she shut off the computer.

We were silent, I turned to look at Soap "that day what happened?" I asked as the others turned to him "I was looking for her to ask her if she wanted to watch a movie, she had her stuff packed and I asked her what was going on and she broke down crying saying that she had to return to Russia for a mission, she said that she loved you but her country was very dear to her, not more dear than you and she said that if you would ask her to stay she would, that's why she kissed me, so you wouldn't want her around, so you could move on because she might not make it" he replied, I couldn't move, she was in danger, she loved me but lied because of her duty to her country.

"well no time to waste let's get her back" I said as I got up and rushed to get my gear, so did Rudy and we were on our way, all I could think about was her and getting there in time, I didn't want to lose her especially now that I know she loves me too.

We got to her base and there her captain us intel about where she could be, he put some of his solders with us said we would need the extra help, we gladly took the extra help "Alejandro, sorry carnal, I should have told you, maybe then she wouldn't be in this mess" said Soap as we loaded the vehicles "hermano, it wasn't your fault, nor hers she thought she was doing the right thing, right now let's just focus on getting her back" I said, he nodded.

We got to the location where Mischa's captain said they could have her, just upon getting close we found men, on the roof, they were expecting us "Ghost, take them out" said price through the ear pieces "roger that captain" he said as he shot the 3 in the head killing them instantly.

We made our way in making sure there were no enemies around, it was a 2 story building, we made our way upstairs to find a long hallway, doors on each side, there were about 12 rooms in total, "let's split up, pairs of 3" said Price through the ear pieces "si señor" I replied as Rudy, Soap and me got into a team, we busted down one of the first doors and nothing, it was empty, we continued down, another door and still nothing, I felt like time was running out, we got to a door and were surprised by some men, Soap shot down two while Rudy knocked out another, I stabbed one in his neck.

We had reached the end of the hallway, there were 2 doors left, "i'll open this one you guys open the other" I said, Soap nodded, I kicked it open and nothing, "over here Alejandro!" yelled Rudy I rushed over and there she was, she was only in lingerie, this time not only had the used the hot iron on her upper body but also on her lower body, she had knife cuts over body, she was bruised, blood running down her body, I felt like crying "Dios mío" said Rudy pushing me out of my thoughts as we got closer the women and guy came out from behind her as they held a knife to her neck "one step closer and she is a goner" threatened the woman, we froze "wake her up will you dear" she said as the guy started to shake her to wake up, she didn't so he slapped her "hijo de puta!" I yelled, Rudy put a hand to my chest in order to stop me from beating the shit out of him, she had woken up "nice to see you awake Mischa, you have visitors" said the women.

Mischa looked up and seemed shocked to see us then her expression changed to fear "сука эта война их не касается!" she yelled as she looked at the women "in english dear, want them to hear" responded the lady with a smirk "this war does not include them you bitch!" she yelled again "you always had quiet the attitude" replied the man "dear, you are one of the most respected assassins but you know who was number one before you? me" said the women, all of this was because of who was the best assassin.

"what do you want then?" asked Mischa "I want you away from Russia, I should be the best Russian assassin" replied the woman "you were always the competitive Sasha" said Mischa "you guys know each other?" I asked "we trained together" replied Sasha, this was Valeria and me all over again, ironic "fine, I'll leave Russia, but you have to give me the chance to say goodbye to my parents" said Mischa, it caught us by surprise "Alejandro, I love you okay, and I wanna be with you, even if I hate the heat and I feel like i'm melting i'll stay with you in las almas" she added, I smiled "let us take her, she will say goodbye to her parents and we will leave" I said the woman turned to look at me and nodded, they cut the rope they used to have her hanging from the roof, she fell to the ground clearly weak, she probably hadn't had anything to eat or drink, I rushed to her side to pick her up in my arms "Mischa estarás bien amor" I said as I kissed her forehead and carried her in my arms "Rudy préstame to chamarra" I said as Rudy did just that and put it over her.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now