Finishing the mission

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Mischa's pov

After his funeral, I stood on his grave, thinking back on those days we had, when we would leave the base at 3 in the morning to go for a swim, when I broke the captain's favorite cup and he took the blame, when we thought we were in love for a while then realized we just cared deeply for each other, in truth without him, I was nothing, I was no one.

After a while someone came behind me and turned me to face them, it was Alejandro, he hugged me, I did nothing, I didn't want to look weak in front of him, but he felt like home, and I haven't felt like at home since I lost my sister, I cried and hugged him back, I cried until I could no longer cry.

Once I stopped he grabbed my chin pulling it up making me look at him, "no estás sola Mischa" he said, maybe it was how empty I was feeling or the fact that I needed to be with someone but the fact that our faces were so close made me feel someway but I brushed off the feeling "thanks" I said as I pulled away and started heading to the vehicle so we could go to the base.

At the base Price let us know that in the morning we would we heading out to Alaska, he got intel from Laswell that the guy we were looking for was there, when I got to my room, I felt the emptiness it held, his laughter was gone, I could still smell his cologne, he was gone and I had to accept that, I laid on the bed taking in his smell, if you would have told me months ago I would be crying on his bed for him I would have laughed in your face, I always thought he would be the one crying for me, right now he has to be laughing while seeing me in this state that though made me laugh, suddenly I heard a knock "come in" I said as my voice croaked because of how much I had been crying, Alejandro stepped in "would you like some company tonight?" he asked I nodded and moved over to the wall and patted the bed, he closed the door, took off his boots and laid down.

"como te sientes?" he questioned "empty" I replied as I looked into his eyes, they were beautiful and big "you will feel like that for a while, or maybe always, but you are not alone, you don't have to feel like that alone, me tienes a mi" he said I smiled "lo se" I replied as I closes my eyes, I felt him put his hand on my waist and I opened my eyes only to find him looking at me, I looked at his lips and he looked at mine and before I knew it he kissed me and I kissed him back, our tongues started searching for each other, his hand grabbed on harder on my waist bringing me on top of him, at this point I couldn't tell if I wanted this or if it was the fact that I wanted to feel something, I didn't want to feel empty, I ran my hand through his hair as our kiss grew more full of lust I reached down to his shirt but he pulled away and grabbed my hand "not like this, not right now, I want you to be sure that you want this and that you aren't doing it because you wanna feel something" he said as he put his forehead against, I nodded as I got off his lap and laid down facing the wall, he hugged me from behind "sorry" I whispered he just kissed my head and I drifted to sleep.

I was awoken by Alejandro, told me to get my stuff reading we were heading out in 30 minutes I got what I need as I headed to meet up with everyone outside where a helicopter was waiting for us, I sat next to Soap wanting to avoid Alejandro, last night I had let the need of emotion get the best of me and I didn't mean to kiss him, maybe, I wasn't sure, for now I would avoid him until I knew what I wanted, I closed my eyes to rest "you alright mate?" asked Soap "yea just tired" I replied "you can lay your head on me if you'd like" he said, I turned to look at him and smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder.

Once we arrived Soap woke me up and we got off "alright guys Laswell said this man had to be in one of these towers" said Price as he pointed to the buildings "Ghost, Soap, Mischa you guys will take the left one, Alejandro, Rudy, Gaz take the right one I will be in the helicopter flying around in case anyone that looks like our man leaves the building" he said and we nodded, once we got our ear pieces we left, we were going to finish this mission once and for all.

Once we heading in we took done a couple of men, around like 15, Ghost did most of the killing since he was ahead of us, "how's it looking Ghost?" asked Price "still nothing Captain" replied Ghost "how about you guys Alejandro?" asked Price I got nervous just hearing his name "nada aca" he replied I let out a sigh as we continued to make our way up, we got to a floor and stopped when we heard voices on the other side "they will be coming for me next, they killed Viktor already once they find out I was selling him the guns they will be here" the man said as he hung up the phone, I backed up a little to be able to informe the others that he was in this building without alerting the man inside "Captain we got him, 10 floor" I said "on our way" replied Alejandro, we didn't wait for them to get here, Ghost kicked open the door and we started firing on sight as we saw his men there.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon