Bitter days

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Mischa POV~ Time skip 3 days

A few days had passed by and it seemed that we were getting along better with the others, Nikolay was getting along very well with soap even though they had gotten off the wrong foot, they were more used to the weather so I didn't have to worry about them dying in the cold, though we had been honest about what happened with us I still didn't know if I could trust them to save my life maybe ambition would also get the best of them and they would kill us like Viktor killed Alina.

"Mischa" I turned to see Alejandro running up to me, "what can I help you with?" I asked as I turned back to the tv "may I?" he questioned as he pointed to the space next to me, I nodded and he sat down "are you heading to the town soon? I saw a grocery list on the table" he said "yea we running low on food I'm going once this episode is finished" I replied "do you mind if I join you?" he questioned, I nodded, he got up "i'll be in my room let me know when we are leaving" and with that he left to his room.

After a while I got up and headed to his room, I knocked but no response so I opened his door, biggest mistake ever, I walked in on him while he was putting on his pants "oh shit! sorry!" I said as I shut the door I felt my face get red of embarrassment  I hope he didn't think I did that on purpose "i'll wait for you on the truck Alejandro" I said as I started heading outside.

The car ride was silent for most of the part, both uncomfortable with what happened earlier but I decided to the break the silence "about earlier, sorry I didn't mean to see you like that, I thought maybe you hadn't heard me so I just went in" I said as I turned to look at him, he has a big ass forehead but his smile is pretty "that's fine I should have said I was changing instead of staying quiet" he replied with a smile, I nodded, " I must say Nikolay and I are pretty famous at the town so don't be confused if people come up to us" I said as I kept looking to the road remembering those bitter days "how so?" he questioned "anytime we are at war we make sure to not get the town involved but the time Viktor betrayed us he got them involved and took hostages, but luckily we were able to get them all back alive, they knew we needed a new place to stay, somewhere Viktor didn't know so they made that base in the woods, we protect them, they protect us" I said as I turned to look at him, he turned to look at me and nodded "protect the people and they protect you, reminds me of spider man" he said with a chuckle "I love spider man" I said "same here hermana" he replied.

Once we arrived to the market we started heading in, "so if you want anything that's outside of the list go ahead and get it" I said and he smiled and walked away, a few minutes later he came with some chocolates "have been craving them for a while now" he said as he put them in the basket "big fan of chocolates?" I asked as we started walking down the aisles "yea what about you?" he questioned as he got the basket from my hand, his hands were rough but felt smooth at the same time "yea i'm very found of chocolate though sometimes I get full of it too fast" I said as I grabbed the milk from the freezer "yes, aveces chocolate can be too strong" "aveces? does that mean sometimes?" I questioned as we continued walking "yes exactly that" he said with a smile.

Once we had picked up everything we needed we headed to the front to pay "приятно видеть тебя Миша" said Igor the store owner "Я тоже рад тебя видеть, как дети?" I questioned asking about his kids since I'm very close to them "у них все хорошо, мой старший скоро выпустится, он надеется, что вы с Николаем приедете" he said "мы будем там не волнуйся" once we paid we headed out "what was that about?" questioned Alejandro "we have known him and his kids for a while now, he's the one that made the base and he just asked if we would be going to his sons graduation, it around the corner" I said as I got on the truck and so did he "will you guys be going?" he questioned "once this war is over, yea" I replied as I started the car, but once I looked up I saw a familiar face... Viktor "shit" I said as I got down "what's wrong?" questioned Alejandro "see the guy crossing the street?" I asked "yea" he said "it's Viktor" I said as he looked up "tell me when he's out of sight" I said and he nodded "doesn't look like he will be leaving any time soon" added Alejandro "fuck and my neck hurts already" I said he turned to look at me and said "lay you head on my lap" I did as he said without thinking but once I thought about it the situation was odd...

After what felt forever he finally left "alright you can get up now" he said and I did "sorry" I whispered as I got up, he just smirked and with that we started heading to the base, I had to tell Nikolay that Viktor was in town now more than ever we must be prepared for anything.

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