what happens now?

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Mischas pov

I followed our guy into a room, where he was behind the door and tried to get me from the back, but I heard the door make a noise and I quickly turned around and hit him with my hand gun, he grunted and fell to the floor "cunt" he said as he got up and tried to cut me with his knife, I moved backwards and dodged it "gotta do better than that buddy" I said as I kicked him in the knee causing him to fall to his knees "fucken Russian cunt" he said as he jumped up and tackled me down, I was expecting him to be on his knees a little longer, fucker was stronger that what he looks like.

I put in two good punches but he wouldn't budge, I was started to get annoyed when we heard someone coming up, without a second thought I pushed him off, grabbed him by his vest and started dragging him out of the room we were in, I saw Alejandro and got distracted with thoughts of last night "get off me you bitch!" he yelled and pushed me, I lost my balance almost falling of the rail of the stairway but managed to grab on, I immediately started chasing after him ignoring Alejandro's scream calling me.

I grabbed a hold of his vest and pushed him into a different room, he seemed to be unarmed so I turned him on his stomach, pulled one of his arms to his back and used my other arm to keep his head down, my body on his lower back keeping him in place "gonna kill me like you killed Viktor?" he asked the question caught me off guard that I never noticed he used his free hand to reach into his pocket and get a knife, he stabbed me twice on my side "Блядь!" I yelled as I tried my best to stay on him but the pain was getting the best of me "Alejandro" I whispered as he pushed me off, I didn't want to die, I wanted to tell Alejandro that I wanted to be with him, that I liked being with him, he was my comfort.

A few seconds later Alejandro kicked open the door "Mischa qué pasó?" he asked as concern laced his voice "he's going to the roof, run" I told him, but he didn't move "ya Alejandro run!" I yelled as the pain got more annoying and with that he left after him "so much for wanting to be with him" I said to myself with a huff, maybe I should be alone, anyone around me ends up dead, I didn't want Alejandro dead, he smile is beautiful and if I were to never see it again it would be because I'm gone not him.

I closed my eyes for a moment and heard someone rush in, I quickly turned my head and it was Soap, I sighed in relief "was starting to think I was gonna die alone" I said with a chuckle "as long as you have us mate, you won't die" he said as he put one arm on my back and other under my legs and lifted me up "you're gonna be okay Mischa" he said as he carried me out and told price I would pull through but needed medical attention.

Once we made it outside a medic was there, and so was our helicopter, Soap sat me down and the medic attended me immediately, said I would be fine luckily the bastard missed any vital organs, a while later Alejandro came onto the helicopter, "once you are done with her can you patch me up doc?" he asked causing me to turn and look at him "por Dios Alejandro, estás bien?" I questioned as I saw blood coming out of his shoulder "now I am" he said as he grabbed my hand, it made me forget all about the stabs I had received, he turned to the medic that was now helping him, I wanted to let go but I didn't, I would enjoy this while I could, I put my head back and closed my eyes.

I was awoken by Alejandro, I had fallen asleep due to the pain, I huffed as I got off "fucken bloody hell" I said as the pain came back "want some help walking?" asked Alejandro as he offered me his shoulder, I nodded as he put his arm under and helped me walk without putting all my weight on my stomach "gracias" I said "don't thank me, I would do anything for you" he said as I turned to look at him he smiled, I smiled back.

Once we got inside the base we sat on the couch as the other made their way in "well, it was a successful mission, well done" said Price as he sat by the dining table "so what happens now?" asked Soap " since Mischa is from Russia, what happens now?" he asked more clearly as he saw we were all confused, I don't think anyone had thought about that "well for now she will rest here, once she is fine she will return home" said Price as he grabbed on to his vest by the edges, there was a silence, "well, I better see y'all crying and on your knees asking me to stay once I'm better" I joked and let out a small laugh, Soap laughed too but the others seemed bothered, as if they had gotten used to me.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now