Love while you can

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Alejandro's pov

No one had thought about the fact that Mischa would have to head home, we were all busy thinking about the mission that we didn't have time to think about it, for now we still had her here we should enjoy the little time we had left, I would lover her while I can and who knows maybe I can convince her to stay, to switch to Las Alma's I'm sure Price would help with her transfer over here and I would gladly accept her transfer.

That night we drank, and a lot, Rudy and Soap were dancing to some daddy yankee song, Price was drinking slow as to take care of us, Gaz had barely a few drinks and Ghost wasn't drinking, I looked over to Mischa to see her drinking vodka, Russians and their love for vodka, I went to sit with her at the dining table "que haces sola linda?" I asked as I sat down, she turned to look at me, her beautiful dark brown eyes sent a shiver down my spine, you would expect for all Russians to have colored eyes but it appears not all of them do "just enjoying the night" she said with a smile "how can you enjoy the night sin mi?" I asked teasingly "impossible, it's not a good night without you cariño" she responded also teasing me, I chuckled, I looked at her up and down remembering the day of the swim at the lake, when she took of her shirt, the scars that were underneath "like what you see vaquero?" she questioned as she smile "I do, but can I ask something?" I questioned, she nodded "the scars you have on your upper body, how did you get them?" I asked and her smile faded "olvidalo, perdón I shouldn't have asked" I said as I started to get up, she grabbed my arm "it's fine, anyways we might not be seeing each other ever again once I leave" she said, the conversation had caught the interest of Soap "what y'all talking about?" he asked as the others turned to us "about to start telling stories" she replied "oh i'm in" said Soap as he and the other gathered around us.

"On one of our missions, I had a slip up, we were almost done with the mission but a little girl in the middle of flying bullets, people getting killed, bombs exploding, she was standing looking around as if waiting for help" she paused "I thought maybe she had lost her mom and needed help, so without a second thought I ran for her" she paused again as if recalling that day "it was a stupid move, turns out the enemies were using her as bait, for someone stupid enough to help her, once I got close to her something pierced my leg, it was a tranquilizer, I was out" she said with a huff, her expression changed, she had regret all over her face "then what happened?" asked Gaz taking her out of her thoughts.

"I woke up, my hands were tied up, to a rope hanging from the ceiling, I was naked, didn't know where I was and I couldn't untie myself, a women came into the room, started questioning about who I worked for and you know all that bullshit" she said as she took a drink from her vodka "in Russia if you are in the military and you are captured they expect you to die so as long no information goes to the enemy, and I was ready to die, they knew so, she brought a hot iron and started placing it all around my upper body, since that wasn't enough to make me talk, they brought in men to beat me and rape me" she said as she stopped "it went on for 2 weeks until they found me and rescued me" she added and took another sip of her vodka "sorry" said Soap in a whisper "eh, it's all in the past mate, and well it comes with the field of work we are in" she said with a smile.

After a few minutes Gaz and Price called it a night, Ghost said he had to supervise Soap, Mischa and I headed to bed, I was already falling asleep as I heard a knock at my door, I got up and opened it to find Mischa "hey" she said "hey, is everything okay?" I questioned, she nodded "just wondering if you would like some company tonight" she said I nodded, opening the door more so she could enter, she sat on the corner of my bed "todo bien linda?" I asked as I sat down next to her "the other night" she paused "I did want to kiss you, it wasn't because I had been in the need of emotion, but because you make me feel some sort of way" she said as she looked down "sorry if you thought I was doing it to be able to feel something" she added, without a second thought I kissed her, she kissed back, got onto my lap as she put her hand in my hair, I got hard and I knew she felt it because she pulled away and looked down "exited aren't we?" she asked teasingly "vamos cariño, you know you are also exited" I said with a smile as I started to kiss her again, my hands traveled down her back and onto her ass, I gripped it hard then smacked it, she let out a gasp as she pulled away so she could catch her breath "you are making my head a terrible mess" I said as she smirked "well let's fix that shall we" she said as she got down from my lap and onto her knees, she started undoing my belt revealing my boner under my boxer, she passed her hand over my dick in a teasing way "deja de jugar conmigo cariño" I said as I grabbed her from her hair and pulled her head back "I want you" I added, she smirked, she took out my dick and placed it in her mouth, it was warm, her tongue rounded my tip, as she started taking it in, I grabbed her hair and pushed it more in, she was gagging, and for some reason the sound of her gagging was turning me on even more, I pulled out so she could breathe and she gasped, breathing in heavy, she looked up at me "quieres algo cariño?" I asked as it seemed she was begging for something "please, Alejandro, fuck me" she said with pleading eyes, with that I pulled her back onto my lap and kissed her, my hands moved her so she would be on the bottom laying down, one of my hands traveled down, she was so wet "carajos tan mojada estás por mi?" I asked as I started touching her softly "I asked you something" I said as I grabbed her by the neck "contesta linda" I said as my grip around her neck tightened, she let out a moan "do you enjoy the pain? or being humiliated?" I asked she still didn't respond "so it's gonna be that way huh?" she smirked, I hummed and went down, she was so wet I could feel it on my tongue, she moaned grabbing my hair and trying to close her legs, I pushed them apart "beg for it linda" I said as I slide in two of my fingers, causing her to arch her back "please Alejandro, put it in" she begged "buena chica" I said I moved up and put my dick inside her, fuck I could feel her around my dick, I let out a moan, and so did she, as much as I wanted to tease her I couldn't, I picked up the pace going harder, she moaned arching her back "fuck, si asi Alejandro" she said, shit she was turning me on more, I put her legs over my shoulders and got closer to her face, she looked so beautiful, she opened her mouth and I immediately knew what she wanted, I spit her mouth and she smiled satisfied "puta sucia" I said as backed up so I could push myself in more "soy tu puta sucia" she replied I groaned, she turned me on so much, I was reaching my climax and I could tell she was also, her legs were shaking and she was moaning louder, I put my hand over her mouth "wouldn't want the others to find out yet now would we?" I asked she nodded "good I said as I went harder and we reached our climax, I laid down next to her "eso fue" she said but paused "like heaven" I said and she nodded as she closed her eyes I pulled her closer to my chest, I could feel the scars those pendejos left on her, I would take care of her now, I wouldn't let anyone hurt her again I thought and with that I drifted to sleep.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now