chapter 8= getting out of hand!

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Y/n's POV

I woke up the next morning in the pole and made my way down the workshop when Bernard, Curtis, and the toy santa were walking out of the workshop and into the centre of the elf village. I joined them as they rushed ahead.
"Well, I think he's learning at an excellent rate!" Curtis protested.
"Oh really? This morning, he ate a bowl of waxed fruit!" Bernard said.
"Wait a minute, I need the naughty and nice list!" The toy said. I frowned.
"No!" Bernard stated matter-of-factly.
"Oh yes, yes! It says I'm supposed to check it twice!" The toy said.
"Santa already checked it!" Bernard corrected.
"No, I didn't!" The toy said.
"The real santa!" I chimed in.
"I am the real santa!" The toy stated.
"I'm sorry?" Bernard asked.
"I'm in charge here!" Toy santa said.
"What?" Bernard said.
"It says I'm supposed to check the list twice. That's the rules. I like the rules. I think you're aware of how I feel about them!" The toy explained, getting really close to my boyfriend's face.
"I think you're misunderstanding something here!" Bernard said, very quickly.
"No, no, no! I'm a rule-maker. I like the rules. Santa likes the rules. And I thought I explained this to you before!" Toy santa exclaimed. Then, Curtis spoke up to stop the spiralling conversation,
"I have an idea! Why don't we have some fun!"
"Huh?" Santa said.
"It's good to have fun!" Curtis said.
"Right! Santa look over there! See those elves? Go ahead! Go play some tinsel football!" Bernard said, placing his hands behind his back.
Across from us, I saw Joey and his friends getting ready to play.
"What's the object of this tinsel football?" The toy asked.
"Come on down here!" Curtis said. The toy leaned down to Curtis, squeaking as he did.
"If you don't have the ball, get it! If you have the ball, run to the end zone!" Curtis explained.
"Okay! I'll go get the football!" The toy said.
"Ready! Hike!" One of the elves said. Just then, the toy tackled one of Joey's friends and landed on top of him.
"I've got the ball. What are you gonna do? Who's gonna stop me? Come on!" The toy mocked the elves with his violent actions.
"This is a lot of fun!" The toy exclaimed. Then, he continued to knock and trip the team of elves over. One, he smashed, and the elf hit his head on the floor. Bernard, Curtis, and I winced, and Bernard raised his hand and put his hand roughly on the spot the Elf's head hit.
Then, Joey was the only one left out of the team. Then, the toy ran after him.
"JOEY, RUN!!!" I yelled to him. He did as he was told and ran.
"Hey! Come here when I'm talking to you!" The toy called out. He dived for Joey, but just missed and fell onto the floor.
I exchanged a worried glance at Bernard, who was just as worried as I was.

-time skip-
The next day...

I was walking through the factory with Bernard and Curtis until we came into the workshop and saw the toy santa, in the naughty and nice centre.
"Curtis, what is he doing in the naughty and nice centre?" Bernard asked. He ran into the centre and was met with the toy.
"What's going on here?" Bernard asked the toy.
"Well, I'm checking the naughty and nice list! Actually, I'm checking it twice!"
"I already told you!" Bernard yelled slightly. I took his hand to calm him down.
"It's been checked! Don't worry about it!" I piped up.
"Well, I do worry about it! There's a lot of mistakes on this list! I'll give ya a big fat, for instance. In Denmark, there's a guy named Sven Halstrom. Right here," the toy said, slapping an area on the big globe. "He's a dane! Apparently, he was wiping his nose on his sisters shirt! YUCK! That's not very nice! And yet, he's on the nice list!" He said.
"We try to cut the children a little bit of slack this time of year!" Curtis said.
"I don't understand that! It looks like kids are misbehaving everywhere! They're running with scissors, they're always sticky, "I'm not gonna stop this car", "no, we're not there yet!", "brush your teeth!", "pick up those clothes!", it goes on and on!" The toy ranted.
"But they're just kids! Everybody misbehaves sometimes!" Bernard said. The toy retaliated, saying,
"But, according to the santa handbook, naughty children get lumps of coal in their stockings! Right? And if they don't have stockings, we'll make them stockings! In my little personal opinion, I think they should all get coal in their stockings, don't you?"
"NO! that's not how it works!" I yelled.
"Get me the naughty and nice list! Get me every list! Get. Me. Everything..." the toy said. He walked away with a little girl elf, and I was getting mad...

-time skip-
Late at night...

I couldn't sleep worrying about the toy santa. So, I got up and wandered the halls of the factory. Then, I heard talking coming from the pantograph's room. I peered through the crack in the door, and horrified as I saw the toy santa painting a toy soldier figurine. He started the speak to the soldier,
"I just couldn't sleep thinking about all those rules. Am I wrong? Am I right? Does it matter? Couldn't have been the three gallons of cocoa I had,"
I gagged. Believe me, I loved cocoa as much as the next elf but three gallons?!?! That's too much!
The toy continued, "But you understand rules, don't ya? You're highly decorated! Look at that face! There ya go! There's a face only a mom would like. I don't have a mom, so I wouldn't know about that," he picked up the toy soldier and placed him on the conveyor belt of the pantograph. He continued yet again,
"Now, it's time for the big event. Guess what? Son, it's showtime! You're in the spotlight! Get bigger with it," I don't believe this! He's making an army of toy soldiers!
"It's your big chance. I need a little help. I need a little muscle. I need a little nudge. Let's call yourself the little nudge! This won't hurt, except for the big electric shock right through your little porcelain body! See ya on the other side!" He ran to the other side and I could only watch in horror as the soldier came out the other end. I ran back to my room as quick as a flash, climbed into bed, and pulled the sheets far up over my head. I need to tell Bernard! This was getting out of hand!

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