°• Part-29 •°

772 22 22

<3rd person's pov>

M: would you like to eat Pancakes?

T: Sure.

Madara cooked pancakes. after finishing their meal Madara said:

M: so what are we after all of the things that happened?

T: i don't know...

M: Tobirama, tell me...

then he smirked at Tobirama and approached him. Tobirama walked backwards until he dumped into the wall behind him. Madara stood in front of him barely inches away from him. the Uchiha placed his hand on the wall right next to Tobirama's head; then he leaned closer and said:

M: then Tobirama will you be my life's partner?

Tobirama's eyes went wide and he gave Madara a pleasant and shy smile with a huge blush on his face. he felt really happy.

T: y-yes...

M: then, I've got to tell this to that Hashidrama (got the idea from one of the comments!😂) come on Tobi we're going to tell him right now!

T: w-what?!

then he caught Tobirama's hand and started running to the direction of Hashirama's room.

M: he thinks I'm an idiot!

T: what? Madara you're not making any sense! can you slow down a bit?

M: i mean he thinks i don't know anything about him and Izuna!

T: Hashirama and Izuna? what about them?

M: ahaha Tobirama you're so clueless aren't you?

Madara stops, turns around and gives Tobirama a playful smirk. then he grabs Tobirama's shoulders and whispers in his ear:

M: they've been dating eachother! didn't you know that?

T: WHA-!?

Madara covers the white haired Senju's mouth and whisper-shouts:

M: ssshhhh! be quiet! follow me, my time has finally came... Sweet Revenge!

Madara shots the door open without knocking on it and halfly shouts:

M: Hashirama! i have something to tell yo...

Hashirama wasn't alone... Izuna was there... Izuna was sitting on his lap and they seemed to be kissing just some seconds ago... the four people in the room became as red as tomato. Tobirama suddenly caught Madara from the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the room; he bangged the door close and started running full speed out of the house approaching the garden. when they finally arrived at the sakura tree's spot Tobirama stopped. both of them were panting and struggling to breathe.

T: w-what the *pants* Hell!

M: ah- Ahahaha!

T: ahaahahaha!

although the situation wasn't funny at all both of them started laughing madly. Tobirama had never laughed this loud in his entire life time, and when Madara took a notice of that he went silent, observing the White haired Senju as carefully as possible. he took in every single detail of Tobirama's laughing figure every single sound coming out of his throat... although it was just some seconds befor he stopped laughing, it seemed to be hours for Madara. ' his laughing face... is beautiful ' Madara thought.
when Tobirama finally stopped laughing, he looked at Madara. he was a bit surprised to see Madara looking at him. they locked eyes. There was something about Madara's eyes that Tobirama couldn't resist looking at them, he couldn't take his gaze off from those deep Dark orbs; whenever he looked at those eyes he wanted to drown in them... just like now.
Madara was getting closer and closer to Tobirama, without realizing Tobirama also reached for Madara. he bend down and  brushed his lips against Tobirama's, then cupped Tobirama's soft cheeks and brushed his cheeks with his thumbs. Madara licked on Tobirama's bottom lip and slowly inserted his tongue in his mouth and started to explore. They slowly pulled away from eachother as they heard Hashirama's and Izuna's voice getting closer.

H: T-Tobirama?! Madara?! oh you're there! i-i uhh... I'm going to explain everything! we...

M: shut up Hashirama! it's been a long time I've known!

I: you knew?! and you didn't tell us anything?! that's impossible!

H: s-so what was the thing that you wanted to say?... ahaha...

Madara approached Tobirama, smirked and said:

M: guess it's better if i show you. heh.

then he quickly bend down, grabbed Tobirama's chin and kissed him for two seconds then pulled away and let Tobirama go.

M: got it?

Tobirama nearly fainted from embarrassment, but fortunately Izuna quickly grabbed him.

I: o-oi! you okay Tobi?!

H: ๑○๑

I: (•﹏•)

M: ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )

T: (๑♡⌓♡๑) *soul leaving his body*

H and I: finally... Finally!!!! WE'RE SO HAPPY!!!!


hey! would you like a bakudeku fanfic? cuz i migh right one! and...
hope you've enjoyed this story!
It's finally the


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