Chapter 22 (Chuuves)

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(January 21, 2023 Words: 1933)

!Unedited Chapter!

"Jiwoo don't forget to give the papers to Mr. Son." Jiwoo grabbed the paper from the teacher's table and smiled brightly towards the teacher, "Right away Mrs. Kim!" She said with enthusiast and flashes the elder with a bright smile making her giggle, "You're such a sweetheart Jiwoo." The girl blushes and bowed before leaving the teacher's office,

Jiwoo hums happily while walking down the hallway but stopped after she heard a music blasting from the dance room, she scratch her head in confusion, who would still be in school at 7pm? Everyone has mostly gone home after the classes ended. Jiwoo stayed to study with Chaewon and Yerim and had to do some errands for the teachers which most likely happens every single day,

Out of curiosity, she made her way towards the dance room and took a peek through the glass door and saw Sooyoung dancing passionately, she was mesmerized by how amazing the girl was. She had heard that Sooyoung is the best dancer in their school and her passion about dancing is way beyond anyone can have. She has never seen her dance and this was the first time ever.

Her heart started raising as her eyes follows her every move, every turn as her eyes flaming with passion.

She does have feelings for the older girl, ever since she started high school and becoming Sooyoung's roommate, she has been her admirer from afar, she really do like the girl. One thing she doesn't like about Sooyoung is her being the school's biggest player. Her heart broke the first time when Sooyoung brought a random girl into their dorm and it made her devastated and very hurt knowing that the older girl could never see her anything more than just a roommate and so she gave up. Till that night in that party, she thought Sooyoung was just trying to make her one of the victim but Jiwoo didn't care anymore, she wanted Sooyoung, she wants her and she needed her.

It wasn't something she expected, never in her life would witness something that Sooyoung won't even show a single soul about. She broke down. Ha Sooyoung broke down in tears and in agony. In front of Jiwoo. It broke her heart more knowing that the girl went through a lot but she never showed it to anyone. It was at that time where she could no long keep it to herself, she had to tell someone and it happens to be Jiwoo who was there for her, someone who she can trust and comfortable telling her what's been bothering and weighing her down.

That was the day that her view about Sooyoung changed. Sooyoung wasn't the player that everyone sees. She wasn't that happy go lucky girl that everyone admires and respect. She wasn't that strong Sooyoung that everyone sees. She was fragile and soft. She was sensitive about little things. She wasn't strong but she tried to be. Sooyoung wanted to be with Jiwoo as much as possible knowing that the girl gives her the ray of sunshine that she needed to get through the day and Jiwoo is happy about that and she's willing to help and support the girl no matter what happens.

"Why are you still here?" She snapped out of her thoughts and took a step back surprise that Sooyoung was now in front of her, so close to her, she blinked and watches as Sooyoung wipes her sweat with her towel.

"It's almost 8, why are you still here?" The girl continue and stared at Jiwoo who seems to be lost in her own thoughts again, "Earth to Kim Jiwoo?" She snapped her fingers in front of Jiwoo's face trying to get her back to earth. "H-Huh?" Jiwoo looked at her in confusion,

Sooyoung frown and touched her cheek, "Are you feeling okay? You're red." Jiwoo blushed even further when Sooyoung lean closer towards her checking if the girl was having a fever. The older girl smiled and gave Jiwoo a kissed on the cheek. "You should feel better now." The younger girl remained frozen on her spot as her heart started beating faster than before. "I..."

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