Chapter 10

344 13 4

(January 5, 2023 words: 1113)
Short chapter ahead

Warning: Unedited (Lots of wrong grammars and wrong spelling ahead sorry! I've been busy with work T.T)

"Ms. Jung we're here." Jungeun tried to look outside but it was just a parking a lot, "Where are we?" She asked Jinsoul who went out of the car first before she followed, "You'll know." The older girl replied before heading towards the elevator with Jungeun following her and two other bodyguards behind them, "Are you going to kidnap me?" Jinsoul scoff and gave the a girl a disbelief look, "For?" Jungeun didn't say anything and just rolled her eyes before following the girl quietly inside the elevator,

The bodyguard pressed the 9F Button making Jungeun confuse, why are they going up so high? The elevator dinged indicating that they have arrived at their designated floor, they then walked out of the elevator as Jinsoul took the lead and led them to a big door, "So are you not really going to tell me about where we are?" Jinsoul didn't answer as she pushed the big doors open revealing a well designed big office, it was very modern inside and the room is colored in rubine red and white. It was really well decorated,

A massive bookshelf placed on the left side of the room, the office table is placed at the end of the room facing the doors, there was also two massive couches in the middle and a coffee table in the middle, there was also plants that are neatly decorated every corner of the room,

Jinsoul grabbed her hand and pulled her inside before the two bodyguard closed the door behind them, "Unnies!" Jungeun froze,


A woman came out from another room with a smile on her face, followed by another woman who was busy on her phone, "Soul!" She ran towards her and engulfed her to a big hug,

"It's been a while! I miss you! Wahhh!" The girl dramatically cried earning a disgust look from the other woman still on her phone and an awkward laugh from Jinsoul,

Jungeun stood there nervously, she only met Jessica but she haven't really met Krystal in person. First encounter with Jessica was when she was with Mr. Jung during that day when Jisung got suspended for a week, basically her family and Jinsoul's family might not be in the great terms right now.

"Unnies, I want to introduce you to someone." Jinsoul waved Krystal off who wiped her tears,

"Who? Is it your girlfriend??!" Jinsoul winced from her high pitch voice, Jessica ended her call and looked at Jinsoul with a sharp look,

Jinsoul was taken a back a bit, "W-What?? No! She's a friend, from school. She's my roommate too." Jinsoul stepped aside to reveal a shy and nervous Jungeun, "This is Kim Jungeun." She smile proudly knowing that Jungeun is panicking right now and happy that she get to meet her idols in person, "You're Mr. Kim's daughter." Jessica crossed her arms and looked at Jinsoul, "Why did you bring her here?" Jungeun's smile quickly faded before lowering down her head, Jinsoul smile disappeared to and turned into a confuse look,

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Krystal looked at Jessica then to Jungeun in confusion, "Wait, am I outdated again?? Yah! Why do you guys always leave me outdated!" She whined and slapped Jinsoul's arm as hard as she can making the girl scream in agony, "Yah! That hurts!" She rubbed her stinging arm,

"Jung Jinsoul I swe—"

"Unnie! Listen okay? Jungeun has nothing to do with what happened to me at fact she helped me...she treated my wounds and everything. She cooks for me, she takes care of me..." Jinsoul glanced at Jungeun who was looking away with a shy smile on her face,

Jessica wasn't still convinced, "And?"

"She's not like her fact, you and Krystal unnie are her role models since she was a child, she wants to follow your footsteps. I just want her to meet you two...also my payback for her kindness throughout the days."

She pulled Jungeun close to her and gave Jessica a puppy eyes who rolled her eyes before groaning in defeat, "Fine. But she needs to learn how to speak for herself. Or else I wouldn't believe any of the things that comes to your mouth. I need it from her own mouth." She turned around before going back inside the room where they just came out from,

"Well. Don't mind her! Now come! I have lots of questions for you! You're a quite interesting girl!" Krystal grabbed her away from Jinsoul who didn't had time to react and sigh in defeat knowing she can't stop her sister from interrogating Jungeun.

Gossip is her life.

Jungeun looked at her new Blanc & Enclare bag with Jessica and Krystal's signatures in it with sparkling eyes, she was smiling so widely. She can't believe she got to meet them in person. She randomly giggled before sighing in contentment and this goes on for 20 minutes and Jinsoul is now looking at her weirdly from the other side of the room.

The girl has been ogling at the bag ever since on their way home and hasn't been giving Jinsoul any attention which somewhat makes her a little jealous.

I swear to God that bag is going to burn. Jinsoul glared at the item on Jungeun's arms with so much passion.

She stood up and walk to the kitchen to grab some water to drink and also trying to get the girl's attention which of course didn't work, who would pay attention to someone walking?

Another attempt was her coughing and sneezing but still the girl is still thirsting over the bag. What's so interesting with that damn bag??

She mentally groan and laid on her bed, I give up.

She can't believe she just lost to a damn bag. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep it off, maybe tomorrow Jungeun will pay attention to her more.

Even a "thank you Jinsoul for making me meet my idols and getting me a signature limited bag" would be nice. She thought and imitated Jungeun's voice in her mind.

Suddenly she felt a heavy weight dropped on her whole body making her groan and out of breath, "What the—"

"Are you sleeping already?" She opened her eyes and saw Jungeun who's face is just an inch away from her, she suddenly felt nervous and scared,

How the—

"Thank you..for making it happen for me." Jungeun sat beside the laying Jinsoul and played with her fingers, the older girl sat up and looked at her with a smile, "It was nothing..I just thought it would cheer you up." Suddenly she forgot that damn bag.

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