Part 59: Christmas break the Malfoy way

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Draco didn't question it. "Ok. And you'll be going to your grandparents' on Christmas Eve?"

"And Christmas, but I'll be back here for dinner," Lily assured. "It's just become a family tradition for everyone to stay over at the Burrow on Christmas Eve and Christmas."

Draco nodded. "That's just fine."

"And . . ." Lily hesitated, not wanting to push the limits. "Well, would it be ok if my cousin, Hugo, came over some days?"

"Of course. I remember Hugo from your birthday. A fine young man from what I remember," Draco commented.

"He is a great guy. But now he's going through the beginnings of what I went through when my problems started, and I don't want him drowning in them. Especially when it's kind of my fault," Lily sighed.

"How could it be your fault? Every teenager has problems with their parents," Draco pointed out.

"Yeah, but now that he's been hanging out with me, he's been . . . acting less like a Gryffindor robot. It's not really welcomed by his dad," Lily told him.

"Which one is his father? Because after seeing him, my guess would be Ronald. His hair is curlier, but I'd guess that he got that from Granger," Draco guessed.

Lily nodded. "Yep, those are his parents. His dad is still kind of . . . hesitant of Slytherins. He only lightened up on it because of me, and after all the things that have happened, he's practically reverted to his old feelings."

Draco nodded without speaking for a moment. "Pitch!" he called. Pitch appeared with the normal loud "Crack."

"Yes, Master Malfoy?" Pitch asked.

"Can you get Lily and I something to drink?" Draco requested.

"Of course, Master. What would you like?" Pitch asked.

Draco looked at Lily with a curious looked. Lily shrugged. "Butterbeer?" she said.

Draco nodded one. "And get me a glass of elf wine."

"Of course." Then Pitch was gone.

Draco looked over at Lily. "So, since we're on the topic, do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your family? I haven't really been keeping tabs on them. All I know is that the size has grown immensely over the years."

Lily shrugged. "Sure. Ask away."

Pitch came back with the drinks, handing them both to Draco. Draco handed the butterbeer to Lily, who took a drink.

"So, does Hugo have any siblings of his own?" Draco asked curiously.

Lily swallowed her drink. She liked how Draco seemed purely interested and not prying when he asked. Most adults she wasn't related too always sounded too eager to know more about her family. "Yeah, he's got an older sister. She's in Scorpius's year. Rose Weasley."

Draco looked to be in thought for a quick moment, but then nodded. "Yes, I think I've heard Scorpius and his friends mention that name. Although, it wasn't particularly flattering," he sighed.

Lily nodded. "No surprise. I don't say very flattering things about her either. Lately, she's even more insufferable than usual."

"I used to think that of her mother," Draco said with a chuckle. "But, if she's in her seventh year as well, then it might be the upcoming exams that are making her frantic. They are tough."

Lily looked at him curiously this time. "No offense, but I thought you never went back to Hogwarts after your sixth year?"

Draco took a quick drink. "I didn't. I was . . . I guess you could say home schooled for about a year, and then I took the exams from here."

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang