Part 56: Glad you're well, Lily Luna

Start from the beginning

Lily smiled, and was happy to feel that her jaw was only a little sore now that Pomfrey had fixed it. "No, it's ok. I'll be fine. And it's not long before Christmas," she assured.

"If you're sure," Astoria said hesitantly. Then she sighed. "Well, I'm going to talk to Madam Pomfrey quickly. I'll be right back." She left the two, and disappeared through a door on the far side of the room.

Lily looked over at Draco. She hesitated before speaking, but then went for it. "You never answered my letter," she stated, trying not to sound like she was accusing him.

Draco smirked, and Lily almost smiled at the similarities between him and Scorpius. "Actually I did . . . the day we were contacted about your incident. I'd planned to send it out the next morning," he replied. Then he reached for his cloak, which had been set on a chair, and pulled out a letter from a secret pocket. He held it out to her. Lily took it, and saw her name written in his elegant script. "I think you should read it once we've gone. And I apologize for the delay, but I was careful about how to write it," he told her.

Lily nodded as she looked at the envelope. Then she held it back out to him. "Can you put in my bag over there?" she asked.

Draco took the letter, and moved to put it in the bag that Lola had brought. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

Lily looked over at the mountain of gifts sitting next to her bed. "Did my parents say anything to you before they left?" she whispered.

But Draco heard her. "They did. Your father questioned why we were here. I was honest with him, told him that you requested us."

"How did they respond?" Lily asked.

"Your mother just began to fuss over your sleeping form again, and your father seemed unsure of what to say," Draco answered. "Then I was asked if there was anything that he should know about."

Lily finally glanced back over at him. "What did you say to that?"

Draco didn't shy away. "I told him that if there was something you wanted him to know, you'd tell him. Then he just paced for a few minutes, ran his hands over his face and through his hair, and then excused himself and your mother, leaving only the message Longbottom told you about earlier," he explained.

Lily bit her lip. "I hate this," she whispered.

Draco sighed and stepped closer to her. He carefully placed a hand on her good shoulder. "Look, I'm going to tell you something I didn't say in my letter, but was implied. It's not easy to hear, but it's true. Life is hard. It's full of things you love and things you hate. Things you can change, and things you can't. And to each of these things, you will have feelings, good and bad. All you can do is go with what you believe to be right for you." He pulled a deep breath, and Lily saw a heavy sadness in his eyes. "And you must go with it, even if it hurts you or those you love. I know it sounds harsh, but sometimes even the right thing has consequences. But you must stick with it. Otherwise, it'll be an even bigger mistake, and you'll only hurt more later."

Lily began to feel even more heavy at the thought of his words. But she could see the obvious truth in them. He was right, and hopefully, his letter would help even more.

"Are you ready to go, Lily?" Madam Pomfrey asked as she and Astoria walked back into the room.

Lily nodded as Draco dropped his hand. "Yeah, I'm ready."

"Well, second class has just begun. You go from there. Be careful, and at the first sign of trouble, you come back here," Pomfrey told her. "Now, I'll have all your gifts sent to your room."

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," Lily said with a bit of a smile.

"It's no problem, Lily. Now, you go ahead and go," she told her.

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