Part 53: Front page material

Start from the beginning

"Damn," she heard him whisper. His eyes locked with hers, and Lily felt another surge of heat at the look in his eyes. The desire, the amazement, and the passion. She didn't need to hear if he thought she was pretty or beautiful. She could tell that he thought so by the way he looked at her. Just another layer of warmth to wrap around her.

Scorpius moved to lean over her again, his lips kissing hers roughly. His hands kneaded her exposed skin firmly, sending a rush through her each time. She moaned against his lips, and he groaned in response. She felt one of his hands move down to her knee, pulling it so that it bent slightly. Then his fingers began to trail down her skin, moving under the fabric of her skirt.

Lily dropped her fingers to the buttons of his own shirt, and hastily began to undo each one. Once she finished, she moved her hands to push aside the fabric. But Scorpius was quicker, and pulled his hands away from her to slip the shirt off completely, tossing it aside. And then his hands were back. One on her thigh, the other stroking its fingers along the skin just below her bra.

Lily ran her fingers along the expanse of muscles on his back and shoulders. His skin was hot, and his muscles firm under her fingers. She moaned when his lips moved to her collarbone, just above her breast. It made her heart miss a beat, and she wondered if he'd felt it. But she did feel his hand move higher up her thigh, dancing along the hem of her panties.

She gasped and moaned all at once. "Scorpius," she whispered like a prayer.

Scorpius groaned against her skin. "Too fast?" he asked, his voice muffled.

Lily shook her head vigorously. "No, no. It's fine . . . it's . . . perfect," she got out through pants. Scorpius groaned, moving his lips a little farther down, bumping against the fabric of her bra. Lily dragged her hands up, one tightly held his shoulder while the other curled through his hair.

Scorpius pulled his lips away from her skin, and moved so that she could see his face fully. She dropped her hand from his hair to his other shoulder. He raised a brow, and that irritating yet arousing smirk graced his lips. "Still want to go to class?"

Lily felt her cheeks burn slightly as she rolled her eyes. "Shut up," she muttered, and then she arched slightly so that the skin of her stomach pressed firmly against his abs. She reached forward to press her lips against his chest, biting and sucking. Scorpius groaned, and his arms moved to wrap around her middle, pulling her tight against him as he laid her back onto the mattress, his weight warm on her, and his breath fanning in her hair. It was then that Lily noticed that one of his legs was between her own. Mainly she noticed because she felt his knee brushed against her panties lightly. Now she was moaning into his skin. Scorpius shifted so that he was level with her again, his lips kissing her again. Lily let her hands wander and roam over his chest again, and Scorpius's hands moved up her back slowly, teasing the edges of her bra carefully.

Something brushed against her hip, and Lily brushed to realize that it was him that she had felt. She gasped lightly against his lips, which then began to move lower again, this time taking a different path. His lips skipped over her bra completely, and soon began to kiss the area of her stomach and sides. Then playfully, he nipped at the skin of her side. At her squeal, he sucked at the skin and lapped at the small mark of teeth.

Lily felt her head spin happily and her heart pound beneath her ribs. "Scorpius?" she murmured.

Scorpius kissed his way back up to her ear. "Yeah?" he whispered, his tongue teasingly playing with one of the hoops on the side of her ear.

"I-I-I," Lily trailed off momentarily as his hand caressed her hip lightly. She brought in a gulp of air. "I . . . I don't think we should go much farther than this," she admitted with a guilty blush.

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