Hoshizora no Melody

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Name: Magdalene Morehead

Age: 18

Birthday: June 12th

Cloud: Classic

Town: Harplain City

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Song producer: PolyphonicBranch

Illustrator: Mele

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Birthstone: Moonstone


Important relationship(s):

~Rick Morehead (Father)

~Amber Morehead (Mother)

~Vance Morehead/Hoshizora no Melody Len (Twin brother)



~Magdalene and Vance met Phylicia when their family took a trip to the Starry Sky Resort a couple years ago. They ended up finding her out at one of the docks, and thought she looked approachable. And sure enough, the trio hit it off, and they spent most of their time together during the Moreheads' trip. When it came time to leave, they made sure to exchange numbers, and they've stayed connected ever since.

~Their family has now made it a tradition to visit the resort every summer since the twins liked it there so much.

~Magdalene can't be trusted behind the wheel, at all. Although by some miracle she managed to get her license, she's terrible at driving. She's nearly crashed at least four times before, so usually Vance ends up driving for her. Either that, or she just walks to her destination if it's close enough.

~Her brother often comes to help her in her time of need no matter what, even if it's for something small. She doesn't like him feeling that he's responsible for her all the time, worrying that it'll eventually stress him out too much.

~She's trying to work on becoming more independent so she doesn't have to rely on others as much.

~Magdalene LOVES coconut, probably more than any normal person should.

And here's her song!

And here's another version that I personally find to be much better (because oh my god both the original and the Sekai versions are kinda not good tbh.)

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