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(Copying and pasting this intro in all my headcanon books so no one is left confused lololol)

Okay sooooo, to try and explain this as clearly as humanly possible, let's use Project Diva as an example. As you probably know, these games have costumes that can be used in the MVs for most of the in-game songs called "modules." Now, these modules are simply meant to be all the same Vocaloids in different outfits (ex. Spiritual, Princess Blanche and Liar are all just Miku.) But like... what if it WASN'T that way? Like what if they WEREN'T just Vocaloids in different outfits? What if they all were completely separate people with their own identities?? Yeah that's kinda what I thought around 4 and a half years ago, and now we're here.

Basically, what I've been doing is taking Vocaloid designs from songs, albums and other media sources, and turning them into their own characters (note that other synthesizer programs like Utau and Cevio are also included in this because why not.) I've been giving them their own names, ages, personalities, etc. I refer to them as Spirits, which is a weird name, but that's just the way it is and you all have to deal with it >:)

This whole AU takes place in a sort of solar system called Melodia (yes I changed the name of my AU once again. It used to be called Regnum, but I've decided that name is stupid and cringe and that Melodia fits with the general theme of the AU more.)

Melodia is essentially united by music (just like the Eurovision slogan!) Quite a lot of the Spirits in Melodia are musicians or something similar, though just about everyone considers music to play a significant role in their lives. After all, music is what powers Melodia.

Melodia is made up of six planets called Clouds, five of them being the Clouds that appeared in Project Diva X (Classic, Cute, Cool, Elegant and Quirky.) The sixth Cloud is the Void Cloud, which is entirely made up by me. Here, I'll give a brief description of each Cloud to give you an idea of what they're like.

The central cloud of Melodia. Most known for being the residing place of the Ultimate Modules, as well as where the Exquisite Rampage Tower is located. The First Concert Hall is found on the first floor (go figure,) while the Ultimate Concert Hall is all the way at the top. These, alongside the other concert halls, utilize the power of music to sustain Melodia's energy.

This cloud is known for harboring most of the wealthier and fancier Spirits, although not everyone there lives such a lavish lifestyle. It's also known for having an especially high concentration of magic energy. The Elegant Concert Hall is located here, acting as the main power source for this cloud.

This cloud's most known features is its abundance of flowers and other wildlife, as well as having an all-around soft and welcoming aura. The Cute Concert Hall is located here, acting as the main power source for this cloud.

Out of all the clouds, the Cool Cloud is the most technologically advanced. It's also sometimes described as being the "trendiest" of the clouds, and is always bustling with people. The Cool Concert Hall is located here, acting as the main power source for this cloud.

The Quirky Cloud certainly lives up to its name, having an abundance of strange activity happening on a daily basis. Theme parks and magic shows are commonplace here, making it a great destination for people seeking that kind of entertainment. The Quirky Concert Hall is located here, acting as the main power source for this cloud.

Rather than being one singular planet formation, the Void Cloud is a massive cluster of pocket dimensions. These pocket dimensions often end up opening within other clouds through strange portals, allowing Spirits to travel between clouds easily. However, it's not advised to do this, as more often that not, there's at least one especially evil and twisted Spirit residing within it. Although that's not always the case, it's best not to take any chances. The Void Cloud doesn't have a designated power source, so it instead leeches off the other clouds' sources to sustain itself.

Each Cloud is also made up of a few towns and cities, all based off of the Stages in Project Diva X. However, I won't be going over all of them here because of how many there are. If I ever make a book about the locations of Melodia, then I'll go further in-depth about them there.

Also in case you were curious, Melodia was heavily inspired by the Danceverses from Just Dance.

Yes there is canon Just Dance lore. But I won't be elaborating any further here.

Anyway I also have another type of character in this AU called "Wanderers," which are basically the same as Spirits, except they come from non-synthesizer songs instead. I was hesitant to add them at first, since my AU was solely about vocal synth stuff before, but once Gambling by Syudou came out back in July of 2021, I said "fuck it" and did it anyway. There aren't nearly as many Wanderers as there are Spirits, but I think the ones I've got so far are pretty cool.

Another important aspect of my AU is something called "Fractures." To put it simply, Fractures are portals that spontaneously form within the very fabric of reality. Going inside of one can lead you to an entirely different dimension, or even into the real world. They're basically like tiny wormholes in a way.

Anyway, now that I've gotten through the bulk of this confusing explanation, I'll quickly go through some smaller points.

1. These are MY headcanons, and of course, you don't have to agree with all of them. But please for the love of Wario, don't come yelling to me about how "my headcanons are wrong" just because you don't like them. If you hate them so much, then you can go off and make your own.

2. There are a fair amount of songs used in my AU that don't have any kind of character design (like Teo by Omoi for instance.) In this situation, I simply make up my own design for the Spirit! There's a lot of really great songs I'd have to leave out if I didn't do this (like seriously I could never exclude Airhead. It's just not possible.)

3. Spirits don't age in my AU for the sole reason of plot convenience. And also because you could not pay me to keep track of everyone's birthdays and ages. There's just waaaaaaay too many characters for me to do that. They all permanently stay as the age I assign them until the end of time. Unless I decide to do what Project Sekai does and age everyone up once every couple years or so. I dunno, I'm considering but haven't decided yet.

4. All of the Project Sekai characters are technically part of my AU as well, but they can only be seen in their designated Sekais or in the real world (aka Earth, not Melodia.) It's like how the Vocaloids can only physically exist in the Sekais in the game, except the reverse of that, if that makes any sense. Another thing to note is that the only Spirits that have access to a Sekai are those who have had their song included in the game. This isn't super relevant or anything (at least not now,) but it does play a part in this hell of an AU.

5. Some Spirits may accidentally end up having the same last name as other Spirits when I don't intend on them being related. With the amount of Spirits I have, it's getting kinda hard making sure they all have unique last names. I might go in and fix any more that I come across, but if not, then just assume that two Spirits with the same last name AREN'T related unless their relationship list says otherwise.

Aaaaand that's pretty much it! A totally very brief summary of my AU! Definitely not almost 1.3k words long!!! But anyway uhhhh yeah hope you guys maybe enjoy this!

Kagamine Rin Spirit Headcanon BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora