Chapter Twenty-One

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Even after my turbulent week and with a healing wound on my forehead... I had fun. Thanks to Tim. And to give credit where credit is due, the CRC. I think I get their friend group dynamic now. They're not super close, but they're not super distant, either. They seem to be there for each other but mostly show up for each other when it's especially important — to have fun.

Think birthdays, holidays, mall walking and manhunt. Those are all things normal kids do, right?

It made perfect sense since we met at a New Year's party. They're "let's have fun together" friends. Not 'let's watch a movie and cry our hearts out because I'm depressed' friends.

Even Elizabeth and Ciara hung around with us after we made up. We danced, and Ciara surprisingly apologised to Tim for being rude. It was a moment to remember.

"I'm shocked. Ciara has never been THAT nice to me or talked to me since..." Tim pauses and looks up to think. "Ever." He finishes. "What did you even say to them? What did they say to you?"

"Well, nothing really. Ciara apologised for being rude to you, and I went off and told her that the position she put me in wasn't fair."

"No, you didn't!" Tim laughs.
"I swear! I told her she has to give you a chance."

"You know I don't care whether she likes me or not, right?" Tim looks at me for a second and returns his attention to the game.
"Well, you're both my friends and I care. So you better be nice too."
"Anything for you, lover boy." He nudges me with his shoulder and smiles.
"Hey, what were you and Aunt Jessica talking about?"

I stare at the TV, amazed by his hand/eye coordination. No matter how many times I think I've learned, I can never control the camera sensitivity smoothly when I play any game. So when I play, I get dizzy from all the crazy movement on the screen. I'll go to jump, and suddenly, I'm staring at the sky because somehow, the camera decided to flip upside down.

"Oh, nothing. She was just talking about camping, kayaking and how excited she is for me to go with you guys."

I don't know if I want to fully commit to going, but it sounds nice. The thought of committing to something months from now, when I barely know what my life will look like in a week, doesn't sit right with me.

Anything can happen.

"She did get a little weird, though," I add.

He glances away from the TV screen, shockingly. It's the first time he's looked at me since he turned that thing on.

"Oh yeah? Do tell!" He requests excitedly.

"She asked for my last name, and when I told her my last name, she kind of blanked out, and I don't know.... Left this planet or something."

Tim laughs and rocks back and forth at the foot of his bed, still concentrating only on the TV.

"Do you think she might know your family or something? How funny would it be if she and your dad dated in high school."

"HA, Jessica date Cal Collins? Yeah.... RIGHT." I scoff. "But I don't know. I found that interaction a little odd. Then you came along and saved the day..." I smile. "I think it's kind of your superpower."

Probably not realising I have a side-view of his face, he smirks and softly huffs.

"You know it, lover boy!"

My heart begins thumping. I'm scared to steer the conversation in the direction I have wanted to all night. Knowing I'd pass up my chance to ask this is even more terrifying.

"Tim—" I whisper to him. He's zoned into his TV, clicking and tapping away at the PlayStation controller.

"What's up, dude?" He responds, not looking away from the TV. Not even so much as a blink.

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