Stolen kisses

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They step out of the library together and when their fingers separate Y/n's heart chills slightly.

"So," Haerin glances over to where Hyein and Danielle stand, fiercely debating quantum physics. "I'm going... that way."

"And I'm going that way," Y/n cocks her head to where she knows Minji, Jungwon and Hanni will be waiting, letterman jackets tossed over their shoulders or tied around their waists and lounging against their lockers.

"Call me later?" Haerin eyes her hopefully and when Y/n nods she beams, disappearing into the crowd. Y/n watches her weave her way through the students until she's gone.

Her friends smile, pat her on the back and toss the football her way when she joins them and she gives them a grin back, still glowing from her time with Haerin. Jungwon gives her an odd smile, his gaze searching, but it's Minji who claps her on the back and says, readily.

"Finish your assignment, nerd?"

"Assignment?" She's still distracted by the knowing look that Jungwon is giving her and barely catches herself from spilling out the truth. "Oh, shit yeah. Yeah I did."

"You fall over a hurdle during practice?" Hanni tilts her head. "Got a concussion?"

Y/n rolls her eyes, holding out her hands for Hanni to throw the ball her way. "And leave a space on the track team open for you, rookie? You wish."


"Okay, okay we have to stop," Haerin pushes against her chest, still gasping for breath and Y/n's laugh is hoarse. She rests her head against Haerin's shoulder, grateful for the shade of the bleachers in the blistering sun. She's sweating in her track uniform, her skin slick and Haerin's hot breath against her neck is not helping, but she can't bring herself to pull away.

"Why?" She chases Haerin's lips, but she only allows her one quick kiss before she pulls away again. "Haerin."

Her girlfriend laughs at her whine, pressing back on her shoulder to ease them away from each other. Expression serious, she explains, "We have to get back, or we'll be caught. Your team aren't going to believe you were in the bathroom much longer."

"My team will live," Y/n protests, leaning in, but her lips meet Haerin's upturned palm and she glances away, cringing.

"My decathlon team won't," Haerin laughs and pushes her reading glasses up her nose, the pale, heavy frames circling her eyes.

"Tell Song that you were otherwise engaged," Y/n's fingers circle around her waist, but Haerin isn't as easily distracted.

"We have to practice, and so do you," Haerin glances back through the slits in the bleachers, her eyes nervously finding the green and yellow clad track team. milling around.

"Come round tonight?" Y/n pleads and Haerin eyes her, her expression soft.

"I have a quiz to study for," She says, uncertainly and Y/n hurries to answer.

"I'll help you study," At Haerin's arched eyebrows, she insists, "No really, it's for Kwon's history class isn't it?" Haerin nods reluctantly and her eyes light up. "I've already done it."

"I don't want you to tell me the questions Y/n!" Haerinlooks affronted at the suggestion, "That would be cheating."

"What if," Y/n's hands snake around her waist again, drawing her close and Haerin settles happily into her embrace, despite her earlier protests. "I just pointed you in the right direction? Tell you what to study?"

Haerin lets out a rueful breath, smiling slightly, "Fine." She leans in and brushes Y/n's lips with a soft kiss, but the moment Y/n relaxes she slips from her arms, breaking away.

You're nothing short of my everything | Haerin x reader one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora