Kissing booth

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For a Hybe High fundraiser, the school decided to have a carnival where Yunjin 'volunteers' Y/n for the kissing booth, thinking no one would go for it. Except she actually gets a giant line and Haerin gets a little jealous.


Morning assembly at Hybe High. Y/n stumbles in along with the rest of the students, lazy but awake. Beside her, Haerin is just brimming with energy, but all Y/n really wants is to sit at the back of English Literature and have a nap. She catches sight of Yunjin, Sunoo, and Jungwon at the center of the gym floor, with Principal Jihyo. Y/n shuffles over to sit beside Haerin, her hand reaching out subconsciously to lace her fingers with hers. She shoots Y/n a quick smile and leans in to kiss her cheek.

"Good morning, students of Hybe High!" Principal Jihyo greets them with a bright grin. "As you all know, the school carnival is fast approaching, and here with me is the carnival committee." She hands Sunoo the microphone and he stands there, grinning. Y/n is sort of dreading that look, paired with Yunjin's smirky face. But for now, Y/n holds judgment. Instead, she focuses on playing with the pads of Haerin's fingers, springy and supple from all that guitar-playing since they were in fourth grade.

"This year, we have a brand new idea." Sunoo announces. "What about a kissing booth?" He raises his fist and as if on cue, the entire school cheers. "And to make this extra special, it'll be led by one special person." He grins and Yunjin steps forward, snatching the microphone from him.

"Y/n L/n!" Yunjin announces, like she's actually proud to call Y/n for once. But Y/n notices that eyebrow twitch before it registers in Y/n's head what just happened.

But by then, the entire gym is cheering, apparently thrilled. Everyone is clapping, and Y/n flashes back to the day she kissed Haerin for the first time. "What the hell?" Y/n demands, but her complaints are drowned out. She looks at Haerin who is as shocked as she is, Sunoo who is pleased, and Jungwon. Well, Y/n doesn't really give a damn what he looks like.

Y/n's shoulders sag and Principal Jihyo manages to calm down the crowd. She motions for Y/n, and it takes a few nudges from Haerin before Y/n is trudging down the bleachers to stand before her school. "Um..." She shuffles awkwardly before the microphone. "Happy kissing?"

And with that, Y/n is drowned in her classmates' cheers.


"That little rat, Yunjin!" Y/n hisses as she walks into the cafeteria with Haerin. "I am so flushing her toothbrush down the toilet for this!" They line up for tater tots and chicken tenders, the line inching along slowly. "I don't want to kiss the entire school."

"Not really the entire school. Just the people who line up at your booth." Haerin teases, nudging her with her hip.

"Aren't you bothered by this? I'm your girlfriend!"

Haerin grins and caresses Y/n's jaw with her thumb. "It's for a good cause, honey." She says. Holding out her tray, the lunch lady places the plate of food there, and Y/n does the same. "Since the school pretty much used up all the money ADOR gave us, it's nice to fundraise again. Plus, school spirit!"

Huffing, Y/n pays for both of their lunches and together they walk to the quad. Y/n pulls out her jacket from her bag and sets it on the ground. "Milady." She smiles and dips her head a little, allowing Haerin to sit right in the middle of her jacket. Y/n sits beside her, and they start eating. "Okay, fine. I see your point." Off the distance, she can see the kissing booth being erected by Sunoo and his other shop classmates. "I'm still not happy about it since Yunjin," she hisses her step-sister's name. "Practically threw my name in the Goblet of Fire. Without my consent!"

"Relax," she hears, and Y/n twists around to see Yunjin and her two cronies. "No one's going to line up at your kissing booth. So you can rest easy, Y/n."

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